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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 88: Cover "Sail Away" by Neil Young

in #openmic6 years ago

I love this! I'm so happy for you that you can play. Sometimes my arms shake after playing guitar, especially if I've been writing all day then play hard, and my hands don't really want to work after that. Have to balance things out. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for what I have.

You keep playing, I'm super proud of you! And I want to sit by a campfire and play with you sometime. 💖


I was first diagnosed with carpal tunnel in my early twenties, but nursed it along until my mid 40s. Then I was put on a dinky notebook to do electronic medical records - after 20 years of hand writing notes that tiny, awkward keyboard nearly crippled me in less than 3 years. Then I took up farming and nothing ever had a chance to heal. Well, it got so bad I started youtubing stuff... lol! Turns out I had a pinched nerve up by my shoulder, only a minor CTS issue. The youtube channel walked me through a range of diagnostics, then gave me exercises to do that gave me back my campfire singing! And there are fire rings at the hot spring... lol!

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