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RE: Capturing the Light

in #photography5 years ago

Oh, yes!!! That is a hard one! I have seen many photographers barely crawling up and believe it or not, half your age. Not that you are old or anything.... Looks innocently away

Oh, don't you sound just like a typical man. I need ice to keep the beer cool. Aha! Yes. That!

I am glad that your knees are still good to you and just know that there are things that you avoid doing to not irritate them. :)

I hope you have hopped the train already and headed East!


Yes on the train now been so busy this week lunches have been short so sneaking out to catch the 4pm train 🚂 so in Ct already and nit to many stops till home 🏡

Do you get more than 20 minutes? Oh, I want your job!!!

thats about the time i spend for lunch most days, not that I have to just because I am not one for long lunches , I sometimes go for a walk after lunch but always way less than an hur

I used to sit down for lunch and get paged before I could take a bite. So I started skipping lunch for a long time.

Then I found BALANCE!!!

I am telling you! It cures all!

I can relate when I was in Rwanda for a new mission, the previous closed but the radio network that was supported initially by about 12 techs, plus the other networks we had all remained, but for the first 6 weeks there was me and two local staff, I left the hotel at 4:30 in the morning, and normally got back tot he hotel at night after the kitchen closed around 11 at night, I would grab a snickers bar and a couple of beers, well sometimes more than a couple, eat the snickers, drink the beers and crash, I didnt even realise I was that bad till the Secretaries dobbed me in to the boss of the mission, and they realized all I had eaten was Coke, Beer and a snickers a day with a lunch on Sundays , I had to report to the office and go with one of the secretaries for lunch from then on in as they were worried about me, not healthy I know but what I had to do at the time, it took me ages ot build up my appetite again, LUlu and Mark felt bad and I lonly found this out recently eating big meals when I ate so little when they came to Bosnia when we first got togreher, that they also ate small meals when I was there, and would wait for me to crash and then have another meal LOL

EDIT WOW there I go again totally off at a tangent LOL

Haha! I do too. Right? It is sort of relevant as to what is going on in the background for the story. I am always amazed at the government/and agencies how little they care for their people until it gets nearly critical. I can tell you that it took a long time to get that way and having to ease back in to food is no fun and your body rebels against you.

Now, we all know better, because you were feeding it pure crap with all that sugar and no energy, but, it didn't feel bad - until it did.

I know that it takes weeks and sometimes months without putting a strain on your whole system to get your body back into a rhythm. Amazing what we will unknowingly do and in some cases, almost kill ourselves for it.


I am glad you had someone watching out over you.

It took literally years for me and was kind of embarrassing I got back into breakfasts quicker and had a good size breakfast but if I went out for lunch with colleagues I would say order a pizza and after one slice I was full and had to explain to the server it was good I just was not hungry
And dinners I never had till with Lulu
And it’s funny now that I think about it now I am trying to control my diet in the opposite way to eat healthier and less to try and loose weight well over winter to just maintain my weight
How things change over the years

isn't that always the way? We always seem to get what we don't want at the most inappropriate times! I swear to God.

Winter has become a pain for me because, of course, I want heavier and heartier meals with the cold. I wonder if it would change if I moved to a warmer climate.

Oh, no!

I have been there. Then I just eat all the time. :)

Ohh and I forgot Of course your weren’t saying I’m old just like a good wine I am well matured lol

Yes!!! The early train isn't as slow! Good for you!! Sneaking out! Oh, thief!!!

Oh, never too old unless you turned to vinegar! LOL

LOL Yeah I was in early well I am always in early do I do not feel bad sneaking out early these days

Me neither! And I think that saving up your lifetimeof sick time is ridiculous too!

Our sick leave never used to roll over, and for my first probably 20 years I never used a day of it, well no I took 2 when I broke my ankle, but i just found out 2 years ago you could use them as personal days as well as uncertified sick days I started using them all each year

Little secrets they don't tell you. If they pay you for them in the end, awesome, but, most don't - they just push your date of leaving up by that many hours.

No thanks. I will take the sick time/personal time/fun time :)

yes I do that all the time myself these days, but in my mind I am winding down :)

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