Peaking Over The Fence To See The World Outside

in #photography6 years ago (edited)


This fence building project is taking forever! We've had two and a half weeks of rain every day. We've had some pretty bad storms here in Tennessee and flooding has been bad in the lower elevations. We have the driveway fenced off but haven't gotten gates up yet. The back yard isn't close to being done. With all the rain, progress has halted.


At least the view is still nice.


The fence has grown on me greatly. Today I played ball with my daughter and the ball hit the fence instead of rolling down a cliff! My husband and I can let our daughter roam around the driveway area free without worries she will tumbled off the side of the mountain.

And it's a long fall down!


The fence is actually nice to look at. We chose a black chain link fence which looks pretty. Since we had to clear some of the forest overgrowth to install the fence, our mountain is looking really nice. I was afraid with a fence things would look closed off but I was wrong. Since we cleared a bunch of brush and trees we have an even better view of the mountains.

Inside the fence on the porch is my nice container garden.


My favorite place to be these days is my container garden. Today we have a brief moment of sunlight before another storm rolled in. From the porch I have a great view over the fence into the distance. My garden is loving all the rain. I just wish we could have a few days of sunlight to finish the gates and back yard. Lets hope tomorrow will bring some much need sun. I'm tired of being wet and seeing the rivers so swelled with water.

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We also are swimming in rain here in Florida. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I will be visiting family in Tennessee soon - the land that my children find fascinatingly not flat. These pictures seemed to prime me for our trip.

I hope you have better weather soon. I hate it when it's this wet. I'm always happy seeing others from or traveling to TN here. I hope you have a great trip. I live in NE TN so we're way up in the mountains. It's beautiful countryside up here.

Hello friend and I am fabulous is going, right now if the children can play safely and without worry, beautiful green images.

Relaxing green world. Let's be honest, totally in my taste. ;) Greetings my dear.

It is a relaxing world. I love this time of year.

Damn you built that fence fast. What was it like 3 days ago when you said you were thinking about building a fence?

I think that the black chain link was a good choice because it really does look good. Lots of great views.

Last time I posted we had the fence posts in. We hired a few guys a friend of ours knows who came and sped up the process a bit. We got the chain up yesterday. It's still far from done. My husband's been out in the rain working but some of the storms we've had have been pretty bad. We have four gates and the backyard to go. The black does look nice. Makes it look a bit more fancy.

Are you sure you didn't get our weather? We usually get rain every day in rainy season and everything gets pretty mucky. I think the fence looks awesome. It is funny how when you think you are going to make the property closed in, it actually looks bigger? NIce views now too. I bet your daughter loves her freedom now too! You have a train track in front of your house on the other side of the road. Do you get many trains passing by?

We never get weather this wet. It's been a weird spring. I am enjoying the fence. It gave us an excuse to clear the forest overgrowth and it looks nice.. It's nice to let my toddler run round. Less stressful. We do get tons of trains. It's a track that has lots of trains hauling cargo. Some day's we'll get a few, other days we'll get 10 pass by. I like it though. Trains are fun to watch.

There was a train track about 1 block from my grandparent's house. There was also a small station. It was mostly passenger trains that passed through their small town. We used to love watching the people get on and off. In summers when we stayed with my grandparents, we used to take the train into town once a week for shopping.

That's really neat. We don't have passenger trains anymore. Just corporate trains. I'd love to ride one someday. Nearest place to do that is 3 hours away.

When I was 17 years old I travelled across Canada from Pacific coast to the Atlantic (8000 miles) by train. That was the best ever!

Fences can be a great thing specially when littles are involved 💜

It looks like you did a great job on the fence! The container plants are looking very lush, too. As far as the fence goes, are you going to leave it bare or plant vines to cover it?

Your patio/porch is so nice, the layout is similar to mine with all of the planters against the sunny side. Great views too.

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