A Busy Spider

in #photomag6 years ago

This little fellow was very busy building a web between a leaf and the twig the leaf was attached to. There are some white dots behind him. If these are eggs or something than I have to apologize to this little lady.

Due to the wind it took more than a few shots to capture it.


Extension rings were used to get this close to the spider.



I love spider photographs but I have to admit that every time I look at one, those creepy crawlers give me the chills...

I've been struggling with the wind also sometimes when taking macro photographs out in the nature. If I really can't get enough light so that the shutter speed is fast enough and coming another day isn't an option either, I've arranged different kind of objects to block the wind. Rocks, bags, people... I imagine that looks pretty funny when someone passes by and looks at what I'm doing. Next time I have to recruit the people passing by: "Can you help me, stand here, squeeze all together, do you have wide sleeves and big jackets, just spread them! Spread everything you got!"


Exactly. First it was me, I couldn't keep the camera still long enough, and didn't have a tripod light enough to take with me.

Now that I do have the tripod, I have to conquer the wind. When you search for it online, people seem to bring small umbrella's. I am not that eager to get the shot. Although I have to admit, I would have loved this one to have come out less blurry.

Same day, same garden, more wind.

I am kind of hoping, macro photography will help me overcome my fear of spiders and such :)

What colors that little... I don't know what it is, has! Well, you get the sharp photo next time. :)

I am kind of hoping, macro photography will help me overcome my fear of spiders and such :)

Until one of those jumping spiders jumps on you. :D

It seems to be some sort of cicade, I think.
When they sit on the leaf you just notice the green skin and the red stripe on the back.
When they fly/hop it looks like they have red wings.
When you take a macro picture, you notice they have some kind of yellow base.
I will sure try again to get a better picture.

Today I took some pictures of a slightly bigger spider. Every time I had to adjust the focus I expected the spider to jump on my hand, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Luckily it didn't happen.

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thats a very nice shot....beautiful spider...nice work

Thank you.

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Hello, if I would not be afraid of spiders I would say that it is a very beautiful animal,
Encanvio I will tell you that it is a beautiful photograph
Happy day

Thank you very much!

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