Things That Make Me Smile - PowerHouseCreatives Contest

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)

Weekly @zord189 comes up with a cool contest for @steemitbloggers AKA #PowerHouseCreatives to inspire our writing. This week it is about things that make you smile or laugh or giggle - something I think we can all use more of!

The number one thing that can put a smile on my face is my granddaughter. Whenever I go for a visit I take lots of pictures so when I return home and review them it brings back all the smiles!
I love her giggle - it is so contagious and she giggles lots!
She likes to make plans (in the form of pictures) for when I come for a visit and those plans, in themselves, make me smile, let alone when we are doing all the fun things!
Here's a sample picture of her plans she drew that I'm going to frame as a keepsake.

My Granddaughter's Plans for My Visit

plans for grandma 1200 x 1200.JPG

Another thing that makes me smile is the antics that my pets get up to! I could spend hours watching and being entertained by them.
At one time I had six cats and lots of catnip toys! I could have very easily become the crazy cat woman posting cat photos on Social Media but I refrained.
Bruno , my dog, has won #TopDogsOnSteemit before with crazy things like eating apples and his love of playing with sticks (what is it about dogs and playing with sticks!)
JJ (the cat) and Bruno (the dog) are quite the buds - here's a few pictures of the two together.

JJ and Bruno - So Funny Those Two Together

Bruno and JJ.JPG

Bruno Talking To JJ

Bruno talking to JJ (2017_06_11 22_43_22 UTC).JPG

Sacked Out Cat and Dog

JJ and Bruno sacked out laying on their backs.JPG

This is one of my favorite little videos that has my granddaughter and her giggle, Bruno and JJ being so energetic doing what they love - running! I smile every time I watch this and never tire of seeing that sheer joy of running! I hope it brings a smile to your face too!

Another contest that might be good for some laughs - #phctop3 This month is on Top 3 Comedy Movies - PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest Details Here

Thanks for stopping by!



Lovely post and so nice to see happy things!! Hugs

oh my goodness, this is such a sweet post. So much love!

I love your granddaughter's list! That's the cutest thing ever and definitely deserves a frame. She will enjoy seeing it when she's older and running the country. She almost has to with that level of organization at her age! Also, she has an office??? So great!

Ya! Her office is actually her little fort outside. It use to be the club house but now in the upstairs tower part she set up an office.

That's brilliant! She sounds like a force to be reckoned with!

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh I love that we picked the same favorite! The little ones are really what it's all about! I don't have any of my own pets, but I enjoy getting to play with other people's dogs, haha! This contest truly is a joy! So much fun to share in the happiness. 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Such a cute grand daughter. And very talented too. That drawing of hers put a big smile on my face too 😊

Just reading the drawing of the plan made me smile as well - I don’t even know why!

Primary school science told us that dogs are omnivores but honestly I never knew that some of them actually eat apples 🤔 and it must be fun watching the cat and the dog living together...the phrase “raining cats and dogs” doesn’t apply there, it seems :D

Wow, your grandaughter is a really good drawer @porters

And how old is your granddaughter? Her drawing plan - a genius!)))

She is 7 years old - I love her drawings and I want to get her to illustrate a book for me. We wrote a kids book together already and that was fun but now I'd love to get her to illustrate a book.

Dear @ porters,

seeing the dog and cat having some quality time together amuses me so much. At home, I am being forced to choose which side I am with- the cat's or the dog's and, I usually choose the doggo!

I love the fact that you treasure the "plans" made by your granddaughter. When I was growing up, the most memorable moments in my life were those with my grandmother so, I hope she feels the same way with you.

Ah! Thanks so much for the kind words! We have a pretty tight bond!
I love to see the bond between my cat and dog - they are great buds!
It may have something to do that the cat is senior to the dog and when we bought the dog into the house as a puppy we made sure he knew that JJ was senior to him.

I have to tell you this: cats whatever age they are will always believe that they are the BOSS in the house.

For sure it my kids... the easiest way to make me smile is just looking at them. For instance right this moment my boy has climbed on to the sink and is steaming the mirror with his breath and drawing letters. Non stop comedy for a dad!
Thanks for your post for reminding me of these small life joys!

Ha! That made me smile the story of your boy! Ah Yes! The small joys of life!

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