What’s your definition of Heaven?

in #question5 years ago

Source: Pixabay

What’s your definition of Heaven?

I have asked myself many times if I believe if there is a Heaven or what Heaven is in my eyes. There was a time where I would have told you that Heaven is a place made on the fluffy clouds with a huge golden gate to enter. People walking around in white dresses and a cotton candy hairdo. I dunno, that's just what I thought it was when I was a kid.

These days, I like to see Heaven like a warm living room with souls greeting you from all over the globe. A fireplace, a bottle of wine and a huge comfy bed where your soul is put to rest until you are reborn again.

But, I am not even sure if there is a Heaven. I am not a firm believer but I do believe there is way more than just us! Perhaps, I am wrong but I do hope to walk into something that is Heaven and not just a dark black nothing! Now that would really suck! I might be a darkishhh soul but I do hope to be welcome in the light after I close my eyes for the last time! What is Heaven? I guess I will find out when I die or something!

How do you see Heaven? Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the replies of this post!



I don't think have a fully formed image of heaven. Living in the bible belt here in the US I'm surrounded by the philosophical views as well as the shallow. If I were to consider something earthly to be manifest in heaven. Its an old growth forest that contains a small clearing with a modest house and where the garden is always producing.

For me, paradise is a place or a state of eternal perfect life.

According to my point of view the place of peace and love is called Heaven.

Heaven is a beautiful place and full of pleasure that we will get if we diligently worship to the God and do good to all human and creatures on this earth.

Heaven is a Bbq picnic under some trees by the seaside.

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heaven is a beautiful place, and heaven has many pleasures in it,

heaven is everyone who has goodness while he is still alive, and heaven is a lot of beauty, kindness is the key to achieving heaven

religiously, heaven is the place for those who believe and do good deeds

heaven is a good place

I think I'm more along the lines of what your thoughts are about heaven - that it's not so much a physical place but rather a state of mind. I think the "heaven as a place" that is discussed in many religions was meant to be metaphorical. I think heaven is actually a place of non-suffering, which can be achieved on earth by anyone with the right mindset. Just my opinion

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