
It was frightening and surreal. My neighbor noted how calm I was though I remember my heart was racing at one point. It saddens me that people are driven to anger and despair to the point of losing themselves into a walking nightmare. Life is spinning out of control for a lot of people....and they are going to clash at an uptick.

I was fortunate to be unharmed. I was told that I followed my instincts wisely to diffuse the situation. At the moment, I didn't know if I was being wise or unwise. I only knew I didn't want to be adversarial. She was a mad woman looking for an enemy.

Life is spinning out of control for a lot of people

It seems as a society we should stop and rethink all of this progress (as they call it) society is doing. It has a feel of losing its humanity in its demands, especially as people are more viewed as resources to be exploited. This with the breakdown in communities (which was predicted as early as 1970 in the book Future Shock) has left many in a position unlike anything i have read about in history.

She was a mad woman looking for an enemy.

Very perceptive way of seeing this. Many would have obliged her once the window was broken.

I hope she is able to discover her place and find the peace she is desperate to know. Perhaps you shocked her enough with your response she will be able to reflect on this and do so.

I need to check out Future Shock. Sadly, I think the machinery of making humans cogs in wheels has grown strong and powerful. We are more human doings than humans being human. My hope is that there are enough people thinking.

Thinking seems like a novel way to live nowadays. It feels like a lot of people are living by the seat of their pants and winging it each day.

The homeless issue is bursting out the seams in my neighborhood. It's no longer a problem concentrated in the city. Encampments are in the to million dollar properties.

And someone had the foresight to see this day coming almost 50 years ago? I need to check out Future Shock.

The book was actually written based on a premise first introduced in the early 1960's. Here is a link from Wikipedia on it.

The part that stood out to me as a child when I read it was the disconnect between communities as workers became nomads, essentially turning neighborhoods into dwellings of strangers that had no connections with one another. The technological part escaped me at the time due to my limited life experience to compare what was available before me. Now that I have half a century to view I understand that side of their equation as well.

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