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RE: Sepia Saturday.....

Great old photos! Those little stores were so important to neighborhoods. I don't remember anyone washing clothes like that, but my grandmother had a wringer washing machine and Monday was wash day. It was sacred. You didn't do anything else on Monday except wash clothes and hang them out on the line to dry.


I don't remember anyone doing clothes this way either.

I don't remember my Grandmother's or my Great Grandmother's before they had electric washers, although I'm sure they washed clothes another way before they had them. My Grandmother's best friend that lived across the street from her, Mrs. Mitchell had a wringer washer that I use to see when we walked across for a visit. I can't swear on it, but I believe she never went electric.

When we would spend time at the cabin by the lake my grandmother would wash clothes by hand in the kitchen sink. I can remember being so impressed at how efficiently she wrung them out before hanging them on the line

Oh yes... hanging out clothes. When I was growing up we had the washer of course, but I was in my middle teens before we had a dryer. I hung out and took in clothes every weekend. it wasn't fun, but it wasn't hard. The clothes weren't as soft when they were dry, but they sure did smell good after hanging outside. So fresh !

Nothing compares with clean bed sheets, fresh in off the line!

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