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RE: About Critical Thinking, Information, and Society - By Carl Sagan, Anno 1995

in #shareables5 years ago

I think, based on our limited interactions in comments here, we both explore the skeptical thinking.

We just, indeed, travel different paths. But with the same goal, even dare I say ideology (a healthier, more mature society).

We just have our own preferred flavor to explore, to get there.

I don’t think only the one i explore is the correct one. Maybe it even isn’t correct but so far evidence-based science has helped me.

The main question there, in today’s world, is to investigate who ordered whichever research.


Yes. Especially ur last sentence pretty much hits it.

That's why I love voluntarism!

Would be cool to have a talk, to trade information.
Maybe in a year, when we both already have some road behind us ;)

The real irony for this post, given Sagan’s position on technology (see Fredrikaa’s comment) is that it was Twitter’s “for relevance” AI which surfaced that Tweet in my feed, as “you may have missed”.

I don’t know in how many years but I am definitely returning to Europe at some point. It will most likely be a hot rock in the Mediterranean, depending on what happens with the immigration and also crypto, most likely Cyprus otherwise Malta.

Wherever and whenever... consider this an invite. A premature one but an invite nevertheless.

Great! Im in germany but wanna go to australia^^

But I can always come back. Have family here. Also in italy. Next to rome :)

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