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RE: The Right to "Travel."

in #sovereign6 years ago (edited)

If you have an extra $10 a month to spend you can sign up to network with Dean Clifford in Canada. His private society is called The Earth Stewardship Cooperative. The website is

And like I said I'm a student of Druanna Wales too. Both Dean and Druanna have accounts here on Steemit but aren't very active.

I've been wanting to go full blown Secured Party Creditor with the whole Birth Certificate Social Security thing. It is very complicated. Like i said, I'm not an expert or else I would be up there with Druanna and Dean's status LOL.


DUDE! I need to put together a Hanford rant. Thanks for reminding me! It all started a year ago when it started caving in releasing the shit in the air. It happened right after I left Oregon last year so I got out of there just in time.

Yeah was thinking. Should show this to you.

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