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in #ssg-membership5 years ago (edited)

You'll probably only have to read my last 4 or 5 Blogs to figure out what I've been writing about... You're good at running people down... Most people think they know what I’m about to write, before I write it... lol... Actually, my Blogs show up very nicely on my Smart Phone... Short and Sweet... Most people don't have as much time on their hands as you... I’m pretty sure your Comments will be Talked about and Studied, in the Monetary History Books... Paper Dollars are about to become Paper Cents...


Actually, I mostly comment where I see there is talent and they need encouragement.

My first comment to you was meant to make you ask yourself, what is wrong with the way I presented this post? Could I explain a bit so as to make my ideas understood by more people?

Instead, you rushed into a full defence mode - which means you are not free to learn and grow.

Since the subject you wrote on does not interest me, I'll leave you to your posts and hopes. I hope you do find ways to open more minds, if what you claim is true. As for me, I see value in crypto currencies and enjoy seeing them take a share of the market, but all we need is an emp attack and there goes all digital wealth. I'll stick to holding a share of my wealth in the conventional (and boring to you, no doubt) gold, silver, salt and so on currencies.

My Theory incorporates Crypto, but also has Coinage, Paper and U.S. Bullion Coinage... I have Covered my Theory from every possible angle... People still aren’t taking me seriously... I have explained it until I’m Blue in the Face... And now, you tell me, you’re not interested in the Biggest Transfer of Wealth, the World has ever seen...
"OH BOY"...

I think it might help if you go back to your original idea. Explain it without flooding me with details. The details can be added later.

I am also working on a plan to create a new business model, making use of the blockchain, but keeping certain classical financial instruments and my idea ran away with me...until I tried to explain it to friends. Then it was condensed to 3 pages, with just the basics. Once that was understood, I then started detailing sections of it.

Maybe something like that would help - not only to attract attention, but also suggestions.

Keep in mind, you read your articles from the point of view of somebody who knows what is meant, so you automatically fill in the gaps to link up everything.

Pretend you have a child of 8 years and explain it for your child (that post I would love to see).

Trust me... I’ve tried everything... I just wrote a new Blog... It's called "Junk Coinage for Children"...Thanks...

In an effort to be fair to you, I went to your blog page and read a few of your previous posts. I still do not have enough info but at least I understand why you have formed your beliefs.

Personally, I would rather see Trump do as Kennedy did, just before they killed him, and then he should announce /make an Executive Order or whatever is legally sound, and cancel ALL debts to the families and their organisations which have been running the Federal bank. I hope you did see that the first country to do this and take back their Reserve bank (they rightly announced it belongs to The People) has announced they will do so (they are buying back their bank, at the values of about 1935) and they want the nation to be compensated by the Bankers for all the money they have taken over the years.

I'm waiting to see how that works out

I would suggest you include something like this at the bottom of your posts:

If you have not read any of my previous posts, there are a large number of them, but few are likely to read them all until they know enough of what I believe for them to be motivated.

In the meantime, please do yourself a favour and take a look at some of the milestone posts which will help you understand the above post.


(put a max of 3 links here - people at Steemit do not like to do full researches, they just want enough ingo to understand - that is all)

Good luck.

Tomorrow marks my Second Anniversary on Steemit... I may do one Last Post... I’m not sure if I really want to continue posting or not...

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