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RE: Mixed Feeling About Wikipedia Begging (@ned Should Take Notes)

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

@brianphobos To be quite honest, I was wondering if anyone here would have a contrarian view like yours. This place has a lot of cheerleading at times :-) Being a business owner, I have to always be flexible- to analyze situations (facts are facts), and make changes if need be. I have seen several posts where people are saying "Let's" ... "Let's" "Let's" It's almost as if the community sees itself as Steem Inc. That attitude is great, that people would freely give of themselves for this platform. I, however see myself as a blogger/vlogger here. I have never seen it as my job to fix things here, get into flag wars etc. No one is going to come into my business, and say "Let's figure out how to pay that payroll tax this month." Hey, "Let's help you get those business license fees paid", that is my responsibility. If Steemit Inc is not able to figure it all out, then someone will come and take their place, that's just how business works. I hope steemit pulls this off, I may be more optimistic I guess ...but still very much a realist. Much success to you man.


Yes you are right, people also need to be more patient, this is a brand new paradigm in how to do trade on a global scale. It will take 10+ years to figure out the best system. And most projects and early tests will fail. But the relationships with people we do and the knowledge we get stays. New projects can always be set up. New Tokens can always be done. The main value is not the Token but the communication people do. The value is the knowledge being shared, it has higher value than any Token ever could give a Human.

The community is one of the most valuable assets and the hardest to build for sure.

Thanks a ton for your comment. It doesn't make me feel good to have to write the negative stuff because there are some really cool things about this community. I think it is awesome that you are able to promote your music, business, and connect to other musicians.

At the end of the day we all just wish this could full fill its potential in providing a more stable ecosystem for people to conduct business, promote their work, and connect to people.

If this place had no potential we wouldn't care at all and would have walked away at first glance. It is sad to me that some of us have fought for more than two years now and it never got better, it just sort of changed and got worse in a lot of ways.

I hear that. I have been here only a year, and yes, there is so much potential here. Well, let's hope for the best.

This is what decentralization is all about. If you are a plankton, then you don't really own any stake here. But for the people that have invested hundreds or thousands of dollars here, we sure as hell want to help as much as possible in a decentralized system like the Steem blockchain.

That totally makes sense. I am new to the crypto space, so my rule of thumb (as most investors) is:

  1. Never invest your money in what you don't know.
  2. Never invest more than you can stand to loose.

I was so new to this stuff, I decided to just blog like crazy and not put up cash till I was comfortable that this platform would be vetted. I understand you long timers who have been here for a while, and invested your hard earned cash - naturally you would want it back. Much success to everyone. ✌🏾

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