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RE: We keep on moving up

in #steem5 years ago

I totally agree that the fundamentals are stronger than ever, it's just that the market doesn't act like they matter at all. Steemit Inc lets 70% of non-critical staff go and lands in the top 50. NEM announces they'll be bankrupt in a month and stays in the top 20, there's no logic behind any of this stuff. It should be the other way around.

Steem should be up there with its competitors like Ethereum, EOS and Tron. I mean its dapps usage is on par with EOS atm and surpassing the others like there's no competition. Yet compared to them, it's valued like a total shitcoin.

Most of my time here Steem has been around $1 something, I would love to see it again. This pump just seems to set up for a dump again though, it doesn't feel natural. But what do I know, I can't see the future, I'd be very happy indeed if I'm proven to be wrong. :)


My prediction is that Bitcoin will be $6400 end of year and Steem will be 80 cents. Fingers crossed.

Forgot to mention:
Now that SBD is back at $1 a lot less inflation is being created. This was suppressing the liquidity in a big way.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.24
TRX 0.12
JST 0.030
BTC 68085.88
ETH 3553.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.17