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RE: We Need More Development On STEEM!

in #steem5 years ago

Thanks for the follow! Yeah, most people are annoyed with SPS because it will either be based on donations or a chunk of the inflation, but I look at it as I look at taxes:

  1. I don't count with that money

  2. I'm happy to pay taxes if they are used THE RIGHT WAY, without taxes we wouldn't have education, police, running water, electricity, etc...

People don't get it that the SPS will, in the end, make the whole ecosystem better which will further increase the STEEM price because of increased demand for it! People only hear "They will take a portion of ur rewards" and get all mad about it...

And I think the better system is the remove a % of the inflation from (curators, witnesses, authors), because at least we would know how much $ the SPS would have and we could make future plans for it... while a donation based system would be very inconsistent, we would never be able to predict how much $ the SPS would be making, and it would be harder to make future plans and future incentives to devs,etc...

But again, if we do go with the inflation system it needs to come out of everyone's pockets... witnesses, curators and authors alike!

But this is just my opinion ofc...


I fear this development of the proposal system will turn into a permanent thing whether it is actually needed or not, hope I am wrong.
I'd be much in favor of everyone paying their share if it is indeed needed at all, instead of some arbitrary group shouldering it all by themselves.

Seeing how many awesome dapps have been developed all without any centralized funding places - let alone coercive obligation to fund that development - and then seeing how little stinc has accomplished over a much longer period (as @pangoli has so eloquently pointed out) leads me to question whether a proposal system is what would improve this place considering the unchanged and unadressed permance of bidbots and trash in the trending page. I often feel like priorities are not made for the ebenfit of the platform but for the benefit of some well-positioned people on the platform though I certainly hope that is not correct.
Time will tell^^

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