
If I had it to do over I would probably have joined he Marines.
I like their style.

I would have done many things differently as well.

Marines are badass, they certainly live dangerously.

But that is the best way to live, according to Nietzsche and from my own experience.

The best stories always involve danger, the unknown, women and courage.

not only that..they get to play with really neat toys.


all I got was a TShirt..
and this.

those birds dropped a LOT of bombs.
I kept them loaded.

I saw these videos and Immediately thought of ACDC. The gym owner hears that every week. The lyrics just fit.

Seeing this put a bright smile on my face.

Destroying shit with immense force is just a hell lot of fun.

So you loaded these things, bet you very in top physical condition in that time. These bombs must be heavy.

Actually I drove trucks that hauled the bombs TO the bombers.
Yeah they were heavy... each bombe weighed about five hundred pounds...
Each bomber took about six truckloads..

Would you say the military was one of your best times?

yup...for different reasons than you might think.
After Viet Nam I was stationed on the Island of Crete for Five years.
It was an accompanied wife and son was with me.

it was a pretty tough job.
but someone had to do it.


Looks beautiful, I don't know how it feels to be on such an island with wife and son.

But I believe you that it was one of your best times and you shall have many more Mickey!

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