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RE: Commentversations and Other Engagement

in #steemit6 years ago

Asher, is amazing in how he can narrow and focus a search. And I agree about the leagues, they are not only fun, but give an Idea of where a person is at in their interactions level. I have been tracking mine through him, and it has slipped a little bit during the summer which was to be expected, but a lot of the slippage is due to becoming more focused on growth I think, so less time for the full interactions I was doing before. (That and steem monsters), it takes a lot of thinking to do those little dinky stories.


I don't know how he does it. I think it's just some form of magic. Ha ha.

There are ebbs and flows for everything here. Sometimes you end up going one way, then later you'll go another. It's just part of the experience. If you're enjoying yourself with whatever you're doing here, then I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe you're not as engaged, but you have to grow your account too. And if you're getting life and energy out of working on Steem Monster stories, then that's great! Hopefully you're getting some good rewards for it.

Oh yeah, getting a lot of energy out of it. I missed Ashers post yesterday, and a lot others because of a photo scavenger hunt for @IFC, those have been a heck of a lot of fun, 6 hours running around greenhouse to beach, kochki store to lake. And the one and only place I know for Graffitti I forgot to stop at so, out again today to get that picture.

So if you ever need a contest, try a photo scavenger hunt.

That's a good idea. I haven't really hosted a contest in a while, other than a SBI giveaway to celebrate reaching Minnow status. That's a good hint.

Glad to hear you're having fun with it. Most people don't do a photo scavenger hunt for six hours if they're not enjoying it. :P

It does give one a reason to go out and enjoy the nice weather in a lot of different areas. I hope to have mine finished up late this evening, One more picture to go.

How is the winner determined? I take it it's not just by speed or your probably would have finished it yesterday.

The first time it was going to be first who got their post in first with all the images, that did not work to well because of all the time zones involved. So a two tier vote thing. If the entry is a picture of a picture, then regular vote, if it is a picture of a real thing or real facsimile then twice the points.

So if like in this round I am involved in a Mayan or Aztec calendar is 1 point. If it is a picture of the real or a replica then 2 points. I had to take a picture of a picture of it from one of my wifes many books. So I would get 1 point for that picture. If someone had a toy replica, or went and took a picture of the a replica in a museum then they would get two points.

Their is a panel of judges, and they decide who captured the object best. Like my "cave" entry while a cool replica, if someone got a picture from inside of a cave, or a real cave opening then as a judge I would determine that yeah the replica was cool and a good try, but this is a "Real Cave".

it gets complicated, people's feelings can get hurt, but mostly they accept the results as being fair.

Seems like a good compromise. It encourages people to actually get out there and take real pictures of things.

I could see how the subjectivity of it could cause issues, but as long as things are consistent most of the time, people can't complain too much.

Good luck! I hope you win!

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