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RE: Thoughts About Ads on Steemit

in #steemit5 years ago

It’s a shame more thought was not put into it sooner. With an option for creators to choose to enable and get a cut or disable. If I’m driving traffic to my posts and those people do not have an account to upvote my content it does me no good unless I have other monetization means. As far as them driving up the price of the Steem though development well there a reason so many other dapps and stuff is having to be done by the user base. People tend to not really mind stuff when they have an options.


Rarely humans think far into the future thinking about any possible outcome where their business is heading, steemit inc didn't predict they will have to cut 70% of their staff, the times right now are rough and this is one solution that will help them in the long run. This beta sign is forever screaming at us, things will change for everyone for sure.

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