[Steem Monsters Suggestion] Single Card Story Missions (as a way to consume cards)

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Hey guys! I've come up with an idea what could help solve a lot of problems associated with the devaluation of cards! Before we go any further, this post assumes you understand how Steem Monsters works so far.

The Grand Idea Overview

As stated in the title, single card story missions! Basically, each card will have a story arc that you can complete! Each story arc will contain 4 acts, which increase in difficulty but when you beat an act, you gain a permanent boost to the monster's stats. When you complete the final act, you'll gain the monster's special ability. Each attempt will cost cards to enter, so make sure you're ready for what's waiting ahead!

Story Arcs

These will be short stories that the community can come up with! There are already many contests that are in the works, and I'm sure that many of the elements from those stories can be adapted into 4 acts, and used as the final story arc for the card. Each arc must contain fighting of course, and should feature OTHER cards as the enemies or allies! These cards will be the cards you fight against or the allies you'll have!

Each Act

Act I will be the easiest, and require the minimum amount of cards to enter, and each act will increase in both entry fee and difficulty!

Your Team

Your team each fight will consist of the summoner of that specific card, the card and the allies mentioned in the story. If the story doesn't specify, you may choose!

Entry Fee

  • Unlock: you must own at least one max level copy of that card, this card will be SOULBOUND* upon unlock
  • Act I: 5 of the card + 1 summoner card for the card's respective element
  • Act II: 10 of the card + 2 summoner cards for the card's respective element
  • Act III: 25 of the card + 3 summoner cards for the card's respective element
  • Act IV: 50 of the card + 5 summoner cards for the card's respective element
  • *Soulbound == cannot be traded

Stat Gain

  • Act I: 10%
  • Act II: 25%
  • Act III: 50%
  • Act IV: 100% + unlock special ability
  • Each additional time you complete act IV, you'll be granted 1% stat boost to the card AND summoner card (additive)!
    Remember, the stat gain is ONLY unlocked for that specific card, and applies only to you.


This will be for the very late game of course, where people have combined heaps of max level cards, their cards won't simply be useless, they'll have an endless hole to throw cards into to make themselves stronger!

This means as the game goes on, cards won't simply become more and more devalued, as there will ALWAYS be a purpose for cards. Max level common? NICE! 10 of the same max level commons??? NICER! But you can still upgrade them more by completing their story missions!

This will help solve the unlimited supply issue, as the circulating supply won't be constantly going up, it'll reach an equilibrium and begin to go down/stabilise at some point!


your idea's are always worth reading .

Thanks for always being here and commenting and supporting me. Your support and words of kindness genuinely means a lot to me! :)

Some of the numbers are off for how big it is, but I could see going questing providing bonus abilities to specific cards.

Are you saying that the costs are too high, or that stat bonuses are too high?
Either way, I'm glad you like the idea and I'm hoping you'll be happy to implement this idea after tournaments come out!

I think something like this is doable and I hope they consider it but perhaps not for just max level cards. It could also lead to a number of varieties of various cards and levels if all that's needed to unlock is the card itself; and there being acts for each level card.

Card 6 | Level 1 | Quest A | Quest % Completion
Card 11 | Level 10 | Quest A, Sub-Quest D | Quest % Completion

Good ideas! I was thinking about having stories this as late game/end game card sinkholes. However, it does make sense to have stories be incremental, i.e bit by bit as you level up. So, we can combine our ideas and have a soulbound version of each card, where it cannot be traded and it can be leveled to unlock new stories! To earn the specific buffs from each story quest, you must sacrifice a number of cards to do so.

This is an excellent idea. Hopefully @steemmonsters is reading and will implement these suggestions ( or something similar) ..... upvoted.

Thanks! Hopefully they see!

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This idea is nice. But only favours the rich who can buy many packs..

You guys are going to get so rich from Steemmonsters!

Some people already are.... selling their cards for 15 Steem

It’s crazy.... but true.

15 steem for 1 card? Dang! Do you guys have wallets for them?

All the cards are stored by Steemmonsters.... but you can trade them and people can send you Steem to your Steemit wallet and the other person gifts you the card

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