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RE: Comedy Open Mic Round #22 (A Cry For Help)

Once again, you've got it bad, and you've got it good.

I suppose wives do help us keep our friends and family relationships more or less intact, but gol dangit—don't they know there's some silver out there that needs a rescuin'?! Sigh. I'm feeling your pain, man. And I don't even stack. Yet.

Okay, so what am I in for now with this particular challenge? Any theme? Any deadline? Is it mandatory that I nominate? I get I should try to be funny and that I should use the comedyopenmic tag. Anything else I should know about this?

Oh and, have you seen this? I know it doesn't exactly describe your situation, but it is what comes to mind when I read this. :)


You're right, I've got it bad, I've got it good. Well put.

don't they know there's some silver out there that needs a rescuin'?!

Right?! It's an obligation to everything that is good and decent that we should help rescue those silver bars, coins, and rounds that are without a home and someone to care for them. I guess we should spend time with our kin though.

The challenge is something I first heard about from tcpolymath, I think. I don't believe there's a theme, it's just some form of comedy. I don't believe there's a deadline either. Yes, you have to nominate two people at the end of your post. You also have to resteem comedyopenmic's post for the week. That has the rules in it. Or a link to the rules. They also ask that you use the tag and upvote a few people's posts at least a few percent. Kinda to help share the love.

If you don't want to do it, that's totally cool. I just wanted to give you a chance if you were feeling particularly humorous.

That's it!!! Love that song. And it's close to the amount of shiny I want. Ha ha.

Okay. I think my humor comes and goes, and is definitely not everyone's cup of noodles, but I'll see what I can do. I've written some things in the past I find to be hilarious, but sometimes they're inside jokes or situational, like you have to be there to get them. Or, you have to be inside my head (which no thanks, right?) to even know where I'm trying to go with it.

So, anyway. I will be thinking on it and make sure you get mentioned when/if it indeed happens.

Is this something you have to be invited to do, or can you just go and throw things into the comedyopenmic tag whenever you think you have something funny? There seems to be an ongoing contest, too? Is this part of that?

Yes, there are ongoing contests. I think it goes for like 24 rounds and this is round 22. I don't know what happens after that. This was my first time. I don't think you have to be nominated. I think you can just post away.

If you want to give it a shot, I support that. I won't be climbing in your head, but hopefully I'll still get the gist of things. :)

Thankfully, your humor and mine are within the ballpark, at least. I might get some show references because I just didn't watch The Office, or some other shows, but other than that, I think we're regularly finding something humorous.

Okay, so no nomination needed. That's nice to know. Not that I've had a whole lot of funny posts, but you know, just in case I get a wild rash of hilarity or something. Start hearing the thoughts of famous comedians. Download the entire 'Yucks Library" from Comedy Hall of Fame. (Is that a thing?)

I'll see what I can do.

I think you tend to have a drier sense of humor. That's how most of mine comes off too. Rather dry and sort of morbid. Ha ha. Self-deprecation is also in my wheelhouse. Thanks for getting most of my jokes. If you don't get it, it's probably because it's from some stupid tv show. In which case, Lynn gets it. :D

I get it from my Dad, and probably his father, too, come to think of it. With my dad, you have to be listening to him, and know what he's like, otherwise it might sale right over your head. Although it is fun to watch people thinking about what he said and then laugh a few minutes later. :)

I think it comes from a bygone era, really. Now, we don't have a lot of subtleties in our humor. It's becoming a lost art. It's like slapstick took over, only with words. You always have to beat the audience members over the head with every over the top topic, words, visuals or sounds that you can come up with.

I didn't feel inspired today, post -wise, and now the day is basically over. I did manage to get a post out, though, a little late, though. We'll see what the morrow brings.

There really isn't much subtlety in our humor. It's all fart jokes and such.

I hope you're able to feel more inspired tomorrow. But if you're not, that's ok too. Enjoy yourself here. That's one of the best ways to long-term success. Otherwise, you'll just burn out.

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