
If you don't actually have to resteem the rules every week, I might try to keep coming up with stuff. If nothing else, it gets me writing about something other than shiny. ;)

There's another contest I'm in that gives extra points for resteems, but I don't want to do too many as I know some people who do lots and it can quickly clog a feed. I'm trying to be clever with my approach though, so we'll see if I can pick up some other points. I wouldn't mind winning more free silver. ;)

I could have misread it, but I don't believe resteeming is a part of it.

I'd love for you to win more silver. Feed the addiction buddy 😎

Let's hope you're right. So far it has been a fairly successful post for me. I wouldn't mind doing it again.

Feed the addiction buddy

I intend to! Thanks for the support!

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