
You see how his supporters are. Imagine putting up with them every day of your life. Even when he crashes the economy (not if) they will blame everyone but their orange god.

But according to Paul Krugman the economy was supposed to collapse when he was elected. At some point in the next 6 years we will see a market correction, given all the growth we have to, what will you say where there is not a "collapse"?

Another typical Trump Chump. They always scream about their right to free speech, guns, immigrants, and nationalism. I got a friend of his who worked for the county fired for his "free speech" activities including a bit about how his black students should not be educated but instead put into factories as slave labor.

"the good trade partners" are the ones screwing us? Do we need them more than they need us? Tweeting seems to be working out great, that's how things are now, Trump is as hip as a teenager.

Or as hip as a man who chose a screen name from a character on the sitcom Friends, at the very least.

Says the guy who caught the reference ;)

LOL. So you are only fun when drunk? I am still trying to figure out the 51 - probably not year of birth but maybe sports team number.

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