Weekly Cards are Up. Pick one and have some fun! by Sunscape

in #tarot5 years ago

Sunscapes Weekly Cards

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

The Good Tarot

by Colette Baron-Reid

I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1

"2 of Air / Swords"

Stalemate, Uncertainty, Considering Options

Time to take a break to consider your options and think about things. There is no need to rush forward. The perfect answer for the highest good will come to you if you take time and remain in a peaceful state of mind.

From your current perspective you are struggling to make an unbiased decision, holding back to keep harmony or balance. Perhaps you have to take a bit of time on the side lines without judgement of the situation and watch quietly as things play out. Conflicting decisions or visions within personal or working relationships requires some delicate and impartial communication. Try not to close off your heart and throw yourself into protective mode throughout the process.

If you wait it out for a bit you may find the solution by allowing your intuitive senses to come into play instead of your emotions ruling the moment.

Card 2

"9 of Earth/Pentacles"

Reliable Resources, Restraint and Self-control

Congratulations the 9 of Earth/Pentacles represents years of hard work, diligence and foresight into the future. You have attained a position of affluence and prosperity at this time in your life. Perhaps you feel fulfilled and safe at this stage and may even be thinking of taking a nice long vacation to enjoy some leisure time. You have certainly earned it.

You may even be considering taking an early retirement due to the success you have attained in your career. The card speaks clearly of wealth, health and well-being for you. Isn't it wonderful to feel so content and free? You now feel comfortable enough to make any major changes in your life that you want to.

The number 9 speaks of endings and even a time of seeking time alone to get a better perspective on where you would like to go, as the next cycle of your journey begins. As with any cycle, letting go of something will open the door for new beginnings and opportunities. Perhaps it is your time to consider what changes you would like to make in this moment of time. Trust yourself, trust your intuition and know that you will not lead yourself down the wrong path. Have fun!

Card 3

"9 of Fire / Wands"

Caution, Reevaluating Circumstances

It is definitely time for you to stop for a moment, look around before proceeding any further. You are sensing uncertainty in which way you are to go, and that is for a good reason, as all the components are not in play yet. Your inner wisdom will know when the correct time is to go ahead with the next phase that is in question for you. Wait and trust that clarity will be illuminated to you at the perfect moment in time.

Perhaps you are struggling with which way to go because of ingrained habits and patterns in your life. Are you hanging on to them too tightly? Maybe you are guarding them from an unseen enemy, when in fact you are protecting them because of a past wound or hurt that could be holding up the universal flow of inspiration or new relationship that you are seeking. Whatever it is that you desire, it could be that your very own heart is carrying some stagnant energy from you past that may need releasing so you are free to receive what is coming.

Your questioning where you are at the moment is a good thing. This shows you that your instincts are working well for you and that you are able to hear your inner guidance. Sometimes when the soul says pause and be still, it is about to reveal another aspect of what it is you will be needing to create that perfect masterpiece, the perfect relationship or even showing your some wisdom that has yet to be clear to you. Patience is the key while you continue with your daily routine. This is a time where you may want to listen to your dreams a bit more, perhaps watch for synchronicity to show up to guide you, whether through numbers, animals or nature speaking softly to you. Only time will reveal the next step.

This weeks Spirit Guidance

I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Sunscape's Soap Shop


For me always is a pleasure read your cards. Have a wonderful and blessing week dear Wanda

Thank you Denisse, love and hugs for you.

Today I felt like I was wanting a card that would tell me I could go FULL steam ahead. Instead, I selected the first card which told me in no uncertain terms that I still need to take whatever time is needed to hear the wisdom of my Soul, and till then to continue remaining in a peaceful state of mind. May not have been what I wanted to hear but sounds very right to me. 😊

@sunscape I thought of you as I was reading the requirements for The Blocktrades Scholarship Contest

Having consistently posted your Card Readings every week for I don't know how long, as well as regularly sharing the beauty of your garden and travels, you would be such a worthy candidate. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Thank you so much Ally, I know you want to move forward, but I feel a little something special is on the winds or wings coming to you. You may be right there, you might just have an ah hah moment soon. I do not know what blocktrades scholarship is so I will have to read about it.

Thanks for thinking of me. much love ♥

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