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RE: Noodles Tree Restaurant

in #tasteem5 years ago

these days it's cold out here and your post make me crave for kal guk so, hemu kal guk so ... arrghhhhh .. I miss Korean food so much! Specially the noodles but thanks to you I realized what to bring for lunch in school - kimbap hahah.
I'm running out of options on what to bring and I don't like school lunch so kimbap hahah handy and better than bread ^__^


Kimbab is very convenient. However, these days I'm into yubu chobap which is Japanese.

I love that, too but the ones they are selling in the toko has msg on it. In the Ph I could get one without that - I love that a lot haha.

A little msg has never bothered me, but I avoid the places that use to much or the foods like instant noodles that usually have it.

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