An unnatural child

in #thoughts5 years ago

In some parts of the world to this day, there is a practice of mutilating female children by binding their feet so that they stay small. I don't think anyone reading this will agree with the practice but, I certainly do not. This level of cruelty and torture is disgusting and those that perform it have no defense in my opinion.

Imagine a child being mutilated so they can never have the chance to reach their potential, they can never fully explore the gifts they have been granted at birth as their growth has been stunted by their parents for some strange cultural or societal norm. Would you condone such actions and support the parents to maintain their behaviors? Probably not.

Raising a child can be quite demanding work as children are curious and notoriously unwilling to sit still and do what they are told. They want to explore the world in which they live and if given the freedom, will get themselves into all sorts of trouble as they run, climb and jump all over the place.

When they are quiet though, that is when you know they are up to something they shouldn't be. It is then that you start to pay attention and you will find them tasting the dog's food or applying lipstick to a wall somewhere. Essentially, it can be hard to get a free moment as a parent as children are only still when they are concentrating on doing something.

Well, this was true once upon a time.

Now of course, children are increasingly spending more and more of their time still except, they aren't doing, they are consuming. They are sitting watching TV, on a tablet or phone and they can happily sit in the same position for hours on end, if given the opportunity. This is unnatural behavior for a child and is likely going to have impacts on their future potential.

But, while they are there consuming an engineered diet, designed to lead them through an engineered environment with limited mental nutritional content, parents can get the cleaning done, or catch up on emails or Facebook. In regards to many children these days, the parents could take off for a few hours and be almost guaranteed that when they come home, the child would be in the exact same spot, glued to a world of color, action and sound that draw them in like crack cocaine.

The media diet they consume means that there is no need for an imagination, nothing to explore, no reason to even think as it has been designed to be a complete meal to engage a mind that has not yet developed. To me, this is akin to binding a child's feet except, it is restricting their minds, their creativity, their ability to critically think and solve.

For the majority of us though, we were not raised entirely by an electronic babysitter, and for many of us, a lot of the technology was only introduced when we were teenagers. The formative years were much more analogue than they are today which gives us a view that 'since we are alright, they will be' but, look at the state of the current world.

We enjoy the highest standards of living and life expectancy humanity has ever seen yet, we continually fail to use our resources efficiently and effectively to solve problems that should have already been solved. If we can't solve these problems, how are children who have been raised as non-creative consumers going to solve them?

Perhaps I take all of this too seriously as after all, life borders on the absurd more than the meaningful but, I can't help but think that we are damaging a child's potential by setting them up to quietly absorb mass entertainment. I see them in the shopping trolleys and at the cafe's, in prams and at the bus stop all staring at screens, their eyes consuming, their minds being consumed, while the parents can have some peace and quiet.

Yes, there will be some good surprises that come from the practice as there always is but overall, does this consumption add enough useful value to the children. Remember, they have no choice in this at all, it is not they who turn on the television, or unlocks the phone, - it is not they who demand themselves to be quiet, and it is not they who put all of this in front of them in the first place.

It is easy to look at the teenagers and their obsession with technology and all manner of entertainment and a range of behaviors that not so long ago, would have been seen as worrisome. But, they have been raised and often pushed toward an addiction from a young age as it was convenient, it was easy for the parents. Like the fast-food that fills their stomachs.

From my view, we are creating cows to be milked, we are creating a pool of resources for the minority to control. Cattle to be farmed and managed to maximize obedience and in so doing, profits. We all want our children to have a good life - well, at least we know they will be well fed. What they are fed will be another question entirely.

Who knows where it will all lead but for me, I will happily sit there on the floor with my daughter and build Duplos, read books, pick up 120 little wooden blocks 10 times a day and chase her around the house as she gets up to mischief. I hope it is a very, very long time if ever, before I know I will always find her sitting in front of a screen. I want her to explore the world, not sit still, sitting still is harmful for an adult and unnatural for a child.

Take a look around - the results are already being seen.

[ a Steem original ]


Hello @tarazkp, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

A child is meant to be moving and exploring and learning not sitting stationary at a computer. Humans as dependent cattle for Slaughter is a waste and we can do better as a society. Thanks for sharing @tarazkp

Sedentary lifestyles aren't a good fit for anyone in this world. We can see by the way people are hunched over, the complaints they have with aches and pains and of course, the massive shift in the fat percentages. We tend to be living life in a process of slow suicide.

I remember those days when it is quiet. You just know they are up to no good. That is how we all learn though through doing things we shouldn't. I kept my kids away from the television for as long as I could. With all the gadgets today it must be a nightmare.

We have managed very well so far from keeping her away from screens as we don't watch television really at all and when we do, it is after she goes to bed. When we travel we talk and sing, at the shops talk and sing and play with stuff we find and during the day when we have things to do, she joins in with us and helps us clean or if we are cooking, will play in the lounge room or draw.

With all the information at ones fingertips it appears that only one source/ idea / opinion is being put out.
This is the danger because it creates a closed minded society. If you disagree with the current idea you are shunned or attacked.

That’s what happens when parents delegate their responsibilities to the village.

I’m your huckleberry

When I have talked about this with friends/ clients of mine they push back on it and defend their actions. The funny thing is that those without kids yet, don't. If it is a decent way to parent, wouldn't those without kids already be planning to sit their child in front of a screen from a young age?

Most people don’t know how to parent. Didn’t we just go through a stage from the experts that you should be your kids friend. Hell with that

Parenting is hard. And when both parents have to work it makes it that much harder. Something has to give.

I agree we're not using all this technology to its full potential, not nearly. We're mostly taking all the bad brainwashing things and almost none of the good. It's a shame really... Technology and the internet itself are amazing ideas, I think, all this knowledge literally a click away. It has immeasurable potential for children, when used right. Same for parents and anyone else really. But of course, we choose to use it wrong.

As for the quiet child being up to no good, I guess it depends on the age we're talking here. I mean yeah, I guess a toddler who is quiet is probably ingesting glue or something like that, but kids a bit older (5-6 ish) can be quiet and be doing nothing wrong. That might just be the way they work, I think...

But I agree about sitting still, for kids, at least and with a lot of the points you make. Often, I wish I could stand more still. Being able to sit still does become a good thing later on though, if you constantly feel the need to be doing something and keep busy, it's a sign something is bothering you.

the results are already being seen.


It has immeasurable potential for children, when used right. Same for parents and anyone else really. But of course, we choose to use it wrong.

Indeed but, how much of it can be utilized by a one or two year old? Perhaps exposing them early will make them into technological superheroes.. So far the teenagers I have met aren't overly impressive :D

As for the quiet child being up to no good, I guess it depends on the age we're talking here.

Yeah it does and the child too.

No, for such a small child, probably not :)

So far the teenagers I have met aren't overly impressive

That's because they're using it wrong :D

Definitely provocative thinking to say the least as I think we often do this without realizing it. I too fail at this as a Parent and despite my efforts to change, I think my growing up in similar systems influences my actions. We never get to realize the impacts of small decisions like these over time until it is too late. The other issue is that we should lead as an example and often fail to do so as well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The other issue is that we should lead as an example and often fail to do so as well.

I definitely suffer from this especially when I have such limited time to get everything I can done before the next thing arrives on the doorstep. Ideally, I would have more time but I haven't set my life up for it yet. I am working hard toward it though.

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