Fly by night

in #thoughts5 years ago (edited)

What a day and it is yet to be over and, I have to be up at 3am for an early flight out of Finland. The worst thing is, I am so far behind on answering comments and I might not get to them tonight or tomorrow night either.

Normally I am pretty good at answering the comments I receive and I definitely don't take them for granted but, I don't do well replying to them from the phone. I feel like the comments I answer from the phone are not as well developed as the ones from a keyboard, for me the is not the connection through the small screen or perhaps it is because I can't see the entire reply.

I don't like posting from the phone at the best of times but currently it is almost the only way I am able to get a chance to post at all as it really has been insanely busy. I am going to have to completely develop my presentation from the hotel now as today was filled with other tasks. In time, I will have the depth of knowledge where this will be fine but right to now I need space to learn and time to create.

I know a lot of people post comments from the phone but for those who use both phone and normal keyboard, do you notice the difference in your replies? I wonder if there was a word count it would tell a story as I would assume that the comments are shorter from the phone and likely, shallower. I would also make the leap that the relationships created are weaker also, based on the shorter, shallower responses for practical purposes.

There is likely some scientist that has researched the difference, but since I am on my phone I won't check :)

I'm looking forward to travelling tomorrow though and I did pack my camera for just in case I can get a free minute to walk around the city. I am also looking forward to a good night's rest in the hotel as the last few have been quite horrendous with late nights, early mornings and a sick child between.

Before I get to bed tonight though, I have to pack as well as make sure I have all resources available on my laptop for the training. I am lucky in that regard though as it is part of what my company specializes in. At some point, I plan on leveraging their talents to develop a Blockchain solution for their clients.

I think a lot of people still have the sense of competition between chains which is not likely to be the case once things really start swinging in the industry. All projects have a good chance of succeeding if they actually have a use case and solution that works. More and more, the projects are going to have to convince the general public why a Blockchain or a token is the way to go. At the moment, I think most projects target people who have already accepted a tokenized future, not the normies.

This is going to be the strengths of social and community-backed projects as they lower the barriers of entry for normal people to not only get involved, but start earning, using, transferring and most importantly, understanding why it is a better solution for them, even if not as polished as the centralised platforms or currencies.

It will take a fair bit of education to get the next round of users in well but after that, the bandwagon effect will kick in and the flood into crypto services will start. By then, the large investors will already hold a strong position and be driving the herds toward their corrals. While I am looking forward to all the good of mainstreaming, I will also miss the uncertainty and excitement of these days. Sure it is the Wild West but, playing gunslinger is a bit of fun.

Time to pack, but maybe back later if I can.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


Probably my typing on phone is great as i always love to type on phone. Always fast compare to keyboard but i guess we are different. And also about your travelling tommorow, wishing you a great journey

Always fast compare to keyboard but i guess we are different.

It is not about the speed of typing, it is about the depth of conversation. While some might think that they are 'engaging well' by commenting a lot, it doesn't actually mean that at all. For example, looking at your own comment feed, it isn't the type of thing that will likely attract serious followers but will attract people who comment a lot thinking they are engaging.

because I can't see the entire reply.

I don't know why but this makes me laugh out loud, lol.

I don't do early mornings very well and at 3 am I haven't even gone to bed yet. This would take some getting used to and some discipline. Safe travels and enjoy it.

Also, hopefully the trip goes well and you'll get a well deserved sleep at the hotel, and most importantly, get your company into blockchain :D

get your company into blockchain :D

This is a baby steps process and will take a little while but, I think I might manage it in time. Who knows, perhaps they will get onto Steem to explore a bit first. ;)

Who knows, perhaps they will get onto Steem to explore a bit first. ;)

That would be exciting!

I've always enjoyed the commenting part of Steemit more than anything else. The connection between people we know only online. It can be a somewhat magical place to hang out and chat. I do spend a bit of time on some comments. The 'nice post' stuff just doesn't cut it. And for some reason, I work better at all things, on the keyboard/PC. I think there is a left-brain trigger, or some other such moojoo going on, based within the tactility of typing on the keyboard. (I use a vertical, ergonomic keyboard).
But creativity seems to be enhanced for some reason, particularly in writing longer humor pieces. And as you say, you can see more of what is occurring and developing in front of you as you 'go', on the larger screen. Thanks for the food for thought on this. And have a safe trip. Cheers.

I have needed to get used to the phone given how mobile I am but that is why @partiko has been a blessing as their interface is great and easy to use. Also can edit for the fat thumbs that come in pretty often!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Admittedly I’m a bit slacker on the phone (even though I’m getting on a lot better with this phone than the last one) and I think it’s a bit to do with how I read (I think it’s mostly by shape and I hate scrolling so much I would rather have three pages of small text tiled on my screen than scroll page by page, my partner continually questions the how if this 🤣). I also keep forgetting what I wrote earlier when it scrolls off the page which isn’t a problem when I can see everything in my big screen 😆

All that means though is if I’m writing a long comment it just takes me a lot longer.

It also means that I’m more likely to upvote and run from my phone 🤣

Hope you had/are having a good trip 😄

Posted using Partiko iOS

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