
Thank you for noticing. I worked today on framing. And I was proud of that particular photo - and neither needed much post editing which also made me quite happy. I like that you point out these technical things - it helps me grown. Thanks again!

It's funny that you mention not needing much post-processing... I don't normally care about that, although I should, if for no other reason than saving time! On day two of my recent road trip, my camera locked up in some weird way that I've never seen before. I had to pull the battery out to get it to work again. Somehow, during all this, the camera switched to jpg mode, quality 'normal' not even high. I didn't notice until the following day!

This would normally be a disaster for me because I shoot in RAW and have a lot of latitude to adjust highlights and shadows... not nearly so much in jpg!

What totally saved me was I had spent a lot of time that day being very careful with my shots, checking the histogram and really thinking about what I was doing. The result was my shots needed no adjustments - what a shock for me! Live and learn I guess. "Thinking" about your shots helps. Who knew? :)

You check you histogram before you shoot? I don't even know where that is on my camera! lol....I''ll have to see where to look for it. I shoot RAW too and didn't know the difference before. And yes, taking my time and thinking about what I want makes the world of difference than just snapping a million photos because everything looks wonderful.

Did you ever figure out why your camera was acting up? Just one of those things where turning off or on seemed to help (like when the computer freezes - my least favorite thing ever - restarting helps)

Check after... take the shot, look at the histogram. If it's all squished to one side, make adjustments and shoot again. I don't know what happened with the camera, it's been fine since. Turning it off and on again didn't work, it wouldn't shoot until I pulled out the battery.

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