Tree Tuesday - Pryde Foltz Edition


Happy Tree Tuesday


It is funny that my friend @prydefoltz could not get my earlier DTube video to play, so she asked for a few pics. Well being the giver that I am (LOL!) I thought I would go one further and do a full on Tree Tuesday post. Mainly coz I have a ton of tree pics and also coz I am nice like that LOL!


Here is a few shots of a weeping pine!


I thought you would like to see this @willowwisp!!




Here is the YouTube version of the video Pryde could not get to play on Dtube. I love DTube bit I know there are times it has some issues... after all it is still a baby and they dont have the budget for infrastructure like YouTube.

I guess I am a tree hugger!


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites. Now I must add that some of the shots I steal from my son Ben @silver314 , but I feed him so he can sue me lol.


Nice!! Thanks for posting these photos- I couldn’t get Dtube to load earlier either!

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Yes sometimes Dtube can be a bit sketchy!

Haha. I love that I got my own version of @treetuesday. I am honored:)

@prydefoltz & @old-guy-photos,

I tried to bump this comment to the top but, alas, it wasn't enough. Let me see if I can call in the calvary. @stemmitbloggers, @jaynie, @bluemist, @nickyhavey, @fionasfavourites, @dswigle, @lynncoyle1, @foxyspirit, @d-pend,, @girlbeforemirror, @mariannewest, @thereikiforest, @simplymike and @violetmed (BTW, what the H is Dan up to?).

That ought to do it. Everybody just hit Pryde's comment (and give the Ol' Guy's post a bit of love too).

Folks, the Ol' Guy was my Mentor and is simply one of the nicest guys on the blockchain. He is the very definition of a "consistent blogger." He could be in the process of getting electrocuted and yet would still reach for his camera:

"Hey Guys, it's the Ol' Guy. I thought you might like to see what being electrocuted looks like. I hope you'll forgive the shaky camera movements. And, you know what, this might be my last post ... ever. It sure would be nice if this post made it over $10.00, you know, so I could leave something to the kids."

I wouldn't be here but for the Ol' Guy. And neither, I suspect, would Pryde. Pryde's been on a bit of a hiatus, writing a book if I'm correct. She's a poet, a spectacular writer ... and a perennial pain in my ass (I'm from Mars, she's from Venus). Nevertheless, it would be nice to see Pryde more re-engaged, if for no other reason than to let you good folks see how Quill writes while in the midst of a heart-attack. Hopefully, that too would be worth more than $10.00. :-)


Not sure, well actually I am really sure that I am not a knight on a white charger, but this foot soldier is responding to the rallying cry....

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Well a knight or not, you are certainly welcome anytime at my humble blog @fionasfavourites!! Very nice to meet you :)


Fiona, you are the most dependable sword in the line.


Done, done, and done 😀.

Well now I know @mariannewest and it is good to see you!! Feel free to stop by anytime, with or without the call of the Quill.

You know, I always have the intention - have tons of photos of trees. The days just go by too fast. Same with Fridays.... But I will try! 😀👍

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Of course. I totally know the feeling. Time does fly since I started on here! I am perpetually behind!

Hi Quill,

Been back for a few weeks posting and commenting. Although I never really left. I kept my upvoting going:) Paul is great, isn't he:) Good news, Now. We are number 1:)

Ha! Like Denise always says, "Flattery will get you everywhere" LOL

Well that's as always for the kindest words, Quill. I do really enjoy the platform, warts and all. I specifically enjoy the fine people ( like yourself). I do respect how your PHC folks work as a team, that is inspiring and what we need more of on the site. Denise is away for a bit, but I know all too well, she is here in spirit to harass the "Old Man" (what is it about talking in third person that is just so darn pleasing?) LOL.

Well I think both you and Pryde are fine Steemers, albeit a little bit opinionated lol, but that is a good thing.

Hey this is one comment I will join in voting up :)

LOL. I do my best to avoid opinions:)

Indeed. As does Quill, no doubt LOL!!

Haha ... we will see. Should we all go a day without expressing an opinion outside praise?​ That would be a great challenge, don't you think?

@prydefoltz & @old-guy-photos,

Poets are entitled to express opinions, unrestrained, as compensation for no one paying for our damn poems.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold," which is a good thing, because we can't afford to warm our food. Or food.


@old-guy-photos @quillfire

Haha. Alright ...

upon opinions feast
loin may evade the ribs
but salty tongues ...
can always chew the fat

                               Pryde Foltz (today)

Well of course Old Guys are entitled to opinions as it is expected of us to be crotchety and also because no one pays us a bit of mind!

Got your back ^_^

Well lets go all out and add an upvote to your comment to make it even better :D

Thanks for including the ID tag on that Weeping Spruce. I liked seeing the Willow -- it looks like it's a hollow willow, with that hole right above where you hugged it. Hug a tree today -- every day! Enjoy Myrtle Beach! :D

Yes indeed! Trees give so much but usually go unnoticed by so many! I just love a gnarly trunk tree! Just gives it so much character and personality!

I hope you have a good night HH. Can you believe I have to be up at 4:30 am and its just after 1 am now lol. I am shutting it down right now lol. Be well.

Weeping fur tree. Don/t see too many of these...

Exactly but I think it is so cool!

Hard to resist and ode to trees! Nice one @old-guy-photos! What very cool and unique trees you highlight in today's blog! I hope you enjoyed the beach 🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲

Trees and the beach - I love them both!

Love this cool looking Spruce tree with it's
snakie long branches and beautiful trunk!

Happy Tree Tuesday! 🍃

Yes indeed thanks much for your visit!

Love this! Respect to all the trees dude! :p I think I have a tree hugging pic somewhere...

That was a few years ago. Early mom days, you can really see the bags under my eyes through those sunglasses. :D That's hair in my face, not a mark. I had to really look there for a moment lol.

Well that is a great pic!! I can see you ARE a tree hugger so feel free if you ever think of it, to jump in the treetuesday tag. You can even leave your link in my comments for more exposure :)

Oh cool! I will try to remember for next tuesday :D

And thanks! I think that's a red pine I'm hugging. I was traveling back and saw how huge they were so had to stop and enjoy them.

That was a pretty cool tree, I had never heard of them before so had to look them up. Pretty neat how the top grows up and the lower branches turn down.

Yes I like it bunches lol.

Spectacular looking weeping pine tree i love they way they hang down :)

Here is my link for this weeks @treetuesday :)

Tree Tuesday - Massive Tall Talipot Palm Trees !!


Outstanding my friend!

Thank you my friend :)

Ha ha, I love the tree hugging video! I learned about #treetuesday from @tatooedjay. I will give it a go! I love trees.

Hello to our mutual friend @prydefoltz! waves

Oh yes I know JJ and Pryde! Both fine Steemers! Awesome, yes it is a popular weekly tag I do! Everyone should love trees lol!! I will check it out!

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