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RE: Tribe & Cow Solutions: Attitude of Gratitude #4

YES! All of the yeses! Matt and I have talked about antidepressants before and how there needs to be a better solution. Sometimes it's okay to be sad, and frustrated; these are all legitimate feelings to have and experience. I think hopelessness grows when we don't have a supportive community around us to help us see the positive aspects of our lives and how we can overcome our challenges. I can speak from experience because years ago I was prescribed antidepressants. After taking one I chucked the bottle and had a serious conversation with myself. I recognized that taking a pill wasn't going to change the parts of my life that I was unhappy with and I was the only one who could make my situation better. Instead of medicating, I decided I would eliminate the biggest stresses in my life and ask myself daily about the things I enjoyed. With help I was able to quit a job that came with a toxic environment and eventually I began working for myself. I exited an unhealthy relationship and focused on my own happiness. I started eating well, trying different exercise and activities, and most importantly asked myself about myself. What music did I actually like, where did I like to go, who did I like to see, what food did I enjoy eating? It might sound small but it put me on the path to a much happier life and lowered my blood pressure. I was only in my mid twenties and my doctor wanted to put me on blood pressure medication. I was, and still am, so grateful that I had my tribe to pull me through those challenges. We try hard to support authors on Steemit and lately haven't been as active because we're in the process of building a house. Right now, we come and go due to circumstance, but even so we've made a lot of genuine connections and plan to stick around for the long haul. Plus, it feels good to lift others up and rally around this community. I could go on, but I've already written a small novel. So in summary, I loved your post and agree 100%. -Aimee


Oh gosh. I did the same thing with antidepressants. The doctor was so quick to prescribe them and I'd got kinda desperate, though I was so reluctant to go down that path @canadianrenegade!! anyway, she talked me into it - chemical brain stuff blah blah blah. I got home and hubby and I looked at the pack and googled more and he's like - well, it's your decision. And I just went - no way am I taking them. I went to the naturopath and got on some supportive herbs and made a few changes and I was back on track again. I know it's not that easy sometimes and to be honest, the two years before that I broke down because I wasn't as aware of the symptoms (it was too late for anything then!) - but now I can see it coming and know what I need to change/adjust - I recognise the early warning symptoms.

I loved your small novel. Love! Thanks for your comment.

I do think it's important to embrace our feelings too rather than block them out or supress them with drugs, alcohol etc. To go - this is part of human experience, and I will be compassionate with myself and I'll get through.

I have a fabulous fabulous podcast link where I got the cow thing from - here it is here - I'd love for you to listen as it's just so engaging and sums up everything we all should know about depression -

I hope you can get it there!!

I love when I see two of my favorite Steemians connecting! It's like running into two friends going, "Oh wow! You two know each other? Awesome!"

Someone once told me, Good people attract good people and it couldn't be truer. I see it on Steemit all the time. -Aimee

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