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RE: What Does It Mean To Be A Light-Worker?- TribeSteemUp Bi-Weekly Question

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

I appreciate the distinction you draw between how people share their gifts. I resonate with @phillyc's way of looking at exchange that is voluntary.

Originally I was attuned to Reiki and eventually being a Reiki Master so that I could help one of my sisters who was diagnosed with a chronic disease that was causing her a lot of suffering. But then I decided at one point to go beyond just sharing that rebalancing energy with family and plants to organizing the ability to share it with many strangers. When I made that decision I had to become more formal about what I was doing, setting aside time, transporting myself, etc. But at the same time I still had that initial desire to help those I felt most needed my help regardless of anything else.

My way of resolving it was to reach out to non-profits and offer to do the sessions for free for their clients if they basically did all the heavy lifting and I just had to show up, donating my time and transportation needs. They provided the space, the straight-back chairs I liked to work in, and the scheduled recipients for each 1 hour session. I wound up doing not only hundreds of clients of some non-profits, but also the entire staff, all the way up to the Executive Director at one!

I also did private sessions at my home by donation. But then I had more work to do myself, because I had to run an ad in the local paper, have a phone number other than my home phone to publish in it, let people I met know what I did (complete with business cards so they could get my contact info) and schedule the people. I also had to have a room in my house kept just for those sessions, and buy the right kind of chairs.

So for all that I definitely wasn't going to be working for free. I was happy to work by donation though at first. This never supported me, but it was enough of an exchange that I felt good about doing it for probably 50 private sessions over a couple years, whereas I'd done hundreds at the non-profits when I didn't have to do so much to make it happen and could just focus on the sessions.

After about 50 sessions the entire thing became not worthwhile to me, because I just hated all the part that went with making it happen. I think that may be why some people wind up charging a set fee, and a high one at that. At some point they probably stop wanting to do the organizational part of it, but if they ever set things up so that this is what they need to do to support themselves, they're stuck needing to charge more to make themselves willing to keep doing it. It becomes a job/business, not a calling at that point. That doesn't mean they can't still do it effectively, since really one is simply offering oneself as a channel of something happening through you, not by you. But I wonder if it doesn't take something away from the "lightworker" themselves to turn the gift into a job.


thank you for this feedback @indigoocean, my experience is only as an observer, and I understand that for some their is a need to make some money, we all need to do so. I think any type of healing should be available to everyone, there should be an option for those that can't afford like an exchange or something. But for me it is more than just the money aspect, I have seen some people get a power trip out of the fact that they hold the answers for some and this worries me and indeed these people are not true light workers, what a shame that this even exists though. I do not like how some people advertise themselves as having all the solutions and being able to change your life, the answers are within us all, maybe advertise that you can help bring some guidance. There is just too much of this sort of thing happening near where I live at the moment and it does get to me as it really only segregates people further. I believe true light workers would reach out to and want to work with anyone who comes to them and always fine a way to make it work for both. xxx
I really do admire all the work you have done and thanks again for shedding some light for me xxx

Oh I got the point of your post and took no offense. Just wanted to speak to the part that I could and riff on phillyc’s excellent comment. It is important to me also that people be clear to self and others that a person cannot take the place of the natural healing power that is in us all. It’s great to be able to help someone reconnect with that, but reconnecting isn’t creating. People who call themselves “healers” often spread confusion about this simply because they’re confused themselves. They actually think they are the source of the healing! Ego claims everything as its own creation. “Only I can fix this,” is its slogan.

thank you, yes it is those type of healers that offend me as you so rightly put it, it is all about helping people to reconnect xx

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