Post of the day challenge, 6 months In

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

The #postofthedaychallenge is a New Years resolution to post on Steemit every day for the whole year. It is something I came up with to keep creating content and to deepen my personal connection with the community.

The blocks of the blockchain are not on the cloud, they are the clouds!

We are halfway through the year and once I posted at 00:01 which means I failed to meet my deadline. Steemit was down a few days ago marking my second failure to meet the challenge.

I call them failures but they are actually very positive. We are the human component in this virtual world and I have many times embodied that when still tweaking my write ups past midnight, literally burning the midnight oil.

Given that, most of the time, my only lead is in the shape of ideas and that I am often posting last minute, I am astonished at how rarely the site has been down in the past 6 months! Well done Steemit! If I could hug you, I would.

One radical shift in my appreciation of the platform is how Steemit went from something to utilize to my advantage to something I want to build up with the help of the community.

It takes so much time and thankless effort yet the benefits to my own life are marked for posts with little upvotes and no comments. What I mean is that wether a post does well or not, I feel like I expressed something, grew from it!

Throughout this effort there has been one constant: the support of my dearest friend and Steemit Dreamit partner @chelsea88.

I know, I’m special and I know I deserve someone to be my rock. The thing is, is that, not everybody who deserves it gets to be so lucky as to find this kind of support. There are a lot of people who are special out there and I wish for each and every one of them to be seen and even understood. I am extremely humbled to have you @chelsea88, I know I can be full of myself sometimes but that is when you help me find non-patriarchal ways to word things in order to be a voice for unity as opposed to discombobulation.

I also want to thank @zanoni for being himself and for encouraging his inner child to thrive on a daily basis. Thank you for your eye and your ability to take in every moment in like it was your last. We need more people like you.

@viking-ventures you are also part of a tribe of Dreamits, thank you for all your encouragements. You put your heart in your writing which is the only way to go as far as I’m concerned.

I remember a certain encounter with @strortebeker which rocked my life with a healthy mix of realism and positivity. It was a breath of fresh air in this pristine concrete, glass and steel jungle.

I want Steemit Dreamit to grow lots and lots in the future but I am in no rush as I savor every moment on the way there. What we have is love, to be protected and cherished.

@mariannewest’s #freewrite challenge has been a true life savior when the deadline approached, taking no prisoners.

Recently the #payitforward initiative instilled new life in me, connecting me to even more extraordinary people who also believe in the Steem blockchain. I think it is much needed when considering how thin my attention runs sometimes. This is of course not for a lack of having a fair bit. There is just so much content out there, good, bad and ugly. It is an excellent way to push our curation skills past the upvote and the resteem and to empower people.

Last but not least I want to thank my partner for his strokes of genius big and small and for reviewing and even writing some of my texts with me.

Before, I often had insomnia feeling stuck with a myriad ideas for content few of which ever saw the light of day. Now, my art group, a powerful marketing tool, is taken care of before I can even put in on a to do list. It’s too early to tell but I believe Steem is indirectly helping with my troubles sleeping by connecting us together.

In these 6 months I have been burned by cryptocelebrities. It hurts like crazy and sent shockwaves across my very conception of the blockchain. Especially seeing how this guy named Maui destroyed his entire life over it with only lies and false promises to hang on to. I feel so ashamed and I know I should not. I am working on it.

It is an uncanny feeling to be so inspired yet empty because of exhaustion from a rough work day and to have to come up with something for you to chew on. I can imagine it must be similar for a stay at home father of 6 having to cook diner.

When money becomes too important, it impacts the pleasure I feel being here. It is only when things are put in perspective that I can thrive as an author. For example, there is a lot of emphasis on growth in society but something needs to be said about the advantages of being small. It is a phase of discovery which only happens once, kind of like being a child. Becoming successful is its own kind of trade off, hopefully it doesn’t happen too quickly. So many lessons need to be learned along the way. Not the least of which is patency... I mean patience!

Forcing myself to make content was a good idea. I literally revel in all the neural pathways having been created as a result of this resolution. It will be interesting to see where I go with it in 2019. I may comment more or let go of the artistic constraint altogether, we shall see.

I come from a place of great privilege here, where I am yet but borrowing a place from the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. When I see less fortunate people from around the world see Steemit as a get rich quick solution I can’t blame them for either scheming or spamming. It’s the individuals misusing their wealth which truly annoy me. I just hope the former can get access to the internet quite enough to share about who they are and what they are going through because their voices are more important than mine right now.

Steemit Dreamit is on Facebook and Discord!


I am glad that the freewrite prompts helped you a little bit with your mission to post every day! Halfway through the year now :) Keep on going on 😄

Thanks, you too!

Thank you - I love how the core community on Steemit tend to drift together and support one another. It's one of the best things about this place!

I feel like you really get it.

The Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh territories where I live have yet to be ceded.

This whole article truly resonates! I agree many of our great or seemingly great ideas never get written, especially if you're thinking of it in an endorphin fueled state (like in the middle of a run) or in the throes of insomnia. I try to jot down or put on my phone's note pad key phrases to jog my memory. I have a running list. It only has two things on it right now but both totally need to be written about.

Also when the focus is more on money, its true, its not as fun here. I can certainly relate. For money is not why i originally started here. It was definitely a perk but as have said many times steemit itself has made up for years of poor or limited interactions on fb or other social media outlets.

Even if you only get a few votes its really great to have that sense of expression especially in more sort of niche areas that are frequently unappreciated.

I fully concur with the steemians you've listed here! @stortebeker is one of the greats here. @zanoni always has something to brighten my day. @viking-ventures is a creative mind and great writer. I've interacted with @mariannewest many times yet another awesome creative here.

I am TRULY honored by your mention of me.i think of you daily & you inspire me. You're a true gem of a friend , you are my rock, you've been there through the good times and bad. I appreciate you big time, because you're YOU

I'm really happy we get to grow on steemit and as humans together. Looking forward to seeing the evolution of this thing.

Resteemed..... because greatness ❤

So interesting you picked up on the fleeting thoughts from between the lines. I had to think to decide if I really wrote that but it so ties into that moment writing after work looking for those ideas. Sometimes they come back, others they don’t.
We write from the place of that dopamine, endorphine, serotonin don’t we?
The more we go, the more we can embody what we want to become by retaining those flashes from different parts of the day or week. We give them value and therefore reinforce those connections.

Let’s keep being ourselves for as long as we can. Fearless as long as we can and stick together. Love you!

I'm thinking of all the writing I do from that place you just described - which then has to be totally re-written later - because I really try to keep it PG-13 (I do fail in places for sure, but usually that's because of the subject matter rather than how I portray it now.)

But yeah, you're so right there. :-)

Love you too @edouard 💓

I'm delighted to be mentioned by you as well. :-) It's nice to be in a community where it actually counts for something!

This is interesting stuff! Only i might disagree on one thing. To me the focus on rewards and cryptocurrency is what makes the platform so much more interesting 😆

But what do you think about interactions with the community, how does that incentive compare to the appeal of money for you?

i'm not sure if i understand the question but i think i have a different view. i don't think they're disconnected :)
you're rewarded for content creation and interaction with the community.

I’m not saying they’re disconnected but when you make 50$ off a post but have 0 comment I can tell you for a fact something’s up.

It kind of goes against the meritocracy aspect of the platform.

those people with 0 comments but high rewards.. i think they're using bidbots. they're not actually making 50$.

I mean you are absolutely right, they go hand in hand, all I am saying is if the money comes great but it’s those connections with other steemians that keep me going

Yes its the human factor thats most valuable 👍

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