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RE: Make a new BRAND? and redirect STEEMIT.COM/* to a new domain?

in #understanding-ned5 years ago (edited)

I wanna apologize for what will be a sorta long section of text. But it describes an issue and a solution to that issue that I think might be worth exploring

I fully, 100% support redirecting users from Steemit to another, better service, as to enforce that Steem and Steemit are separate things! The amount of confusion and misinformation out on the wider webs about Steem is kinda sad to be honest... Even searching on Wikipedia for Steem brings up the Steemit page instead, and to make matters worse the Steemit article on there makes absolutely no references to the fact that Steem and Steemit are different. I tried to rectify this situation in fact. I wrote a nice, long, cited, and detailed wiki page for Steem, and I made sure to make it clear that Steem and Steemit are separate. Of course, Wikipedia being who they are, made it clear that Steem wasn't "notable" enough. Proof:
Screen Shot 20181109 at 2.03.08 AM.png

Oh and, fun tip, because there weren't any sources on a mainstream media site talking about Steem, they wouldn't allow it to exist on the site. Because as an admin told me:
Screen Shot 20181109 at 2.08.02 AM.png
(In case that image is too small to read, the text says, "You will face a topic ban and a longer block if you continue promotional editing or fail to cite reliable sources in this subject area. Cryptocurrency enthusiast websites and self-published content are not reliable sources.")

So yeah, an article about Steem can't exist on Wikipedia because an MSM source such as Forbes or the Washington Post hasn't written about it. And yes, I have been blocked for a couple of days for trying to fix blatant information errors on both Steem and Steemit... Fun Times!

I will mention that once my account is approved, I will add the same Steem wiki page I wrote to InfoGalactic, where the Wikipedia issues don't apply and where pages such as that are actually appreciated. Here's what it will look like, as this is exactly how it looked on Wikipedia before it got taken down:
Screen Shot 20181108 at 1.54.17 PM.png

This is where my idea for a solution comes in. While I like InfoGalactic, and I think the idea behind it is decently solid, the admins of it worry me a bit... Plus, there's still an issue of incentivizing good/accurate content over fake/bad content. This is where an idea hit me while fuming over the Wikipedia Admin's being stupid. Why not have a Wikipedia-style online encyclopedia that used the Steem blockchain to allow users to upvote content that is accurate and well written, and downvote content that isn't! Users could be rewarded for making good contributions and edits, while also insuring that content is judged not be an elite few admins, but by the whole community. It would also insure a more decentralized platform than what InfoGalactic, and most certainly Wikipedia, offers currently. And using Steem to reward good/accurate writing, and financially punishing those who don't write that, hopefully ideological bias could be mostly removed from articles, or at least incentivize people to show both sides of an argument.

I think it's a potentially incredible idea that could revolutionize online knowledge sharing. But I could also just still be resentful of Wikipedia. I don't know, but I'd love to hear what you, and the rest of the Steem community, think of this idea!

(PS, here's the link to the InfoGalactic article! :) )

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