3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain

in #vaccination6 years ago

Prevent, Heal and Stop Damage to the Brain

The information comes to you in two forms:

  • As a video (I do not like it as I hate robot voices - and it only shows/reads from the text in the health site (source)
  • The actual source (link provided below).

Some general info:
It has been well documented that eating certain foods before taking your child for a vaccination can help reduce the damage to the brain, as those foods send molecules to the bloodstream that attach themselves to the heavy metals, thus blocking them from entering the brain - and they are removed through the urine.

Some of them can even help afterwards and I have seen videos of children brain damaged / autistic, who after following the diet began to establish eye contact and talk to their parents. The one, a little boy, after not talking for two years, his first words were, "I love you" to his mother. What would that be worth to you? Is it not worth trying anything and everything to hear those words from your child?

I recently saw this article and though I cannot verify it, I believe that anything is worth trying if it cannot cause harm, but has the claimed possiblity of healing and undoing damage. I am looking for this kind of water in South Africa and may even have to ask someone to ship water to me if it is not available here.

If it is available in your area, even if you think you do not need it, please try it; any aluminum you rid yourself of is an important improvement to the health of your body.

There has been a dramatic increase in neurological diseases linked to aluminum toxicity. The blood brain barrier doesn’t stop aluminum’s intrusion into our gray matter. Aluminum accumulates and remains in tissue that doesn’t have a rapid cellular turnover.

Read from source: https://realfarmacy.com/mineral-waters-remove-aluminum-from-brain/

aluminum pots n pans.png

PS: If you are wondering why you do not see any articles of this kind from your favourite mainstream media (MSM), it is urgent you WAKE UP and take an unbiased look at what is really happening to our world. For instance -

  • 20 years ago, brain-damaged/autistic children were 4 in 10,000
  • at present, brain-damaged to some degree or autistic, we are at about 44 in every 100 children and the numbers are still increasing!

However, the MSM, which depend on Big Pharma for their advertising revenue, claim it is not true and ignore ALL independent laboratory research which prove the facts.

When I was in school, we teased the fat kids and we did not know what asthma and diabetes are. The percentage of kids who are either obese, or asthmatic or diabetic nowadays? Just take a look around you when you go to the mall - or to the school to pick up your kids.

Do not believe the Media, only believe your own eyes and your own commonsense.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

10th October, 2018

  • posted on Steemit: 10th October, 2018


Maybe you cannot upvote this post - that is A okay, I really do not mind. Just read it and do whatever you have to so as to protect and heal yourself and your loved ones.

Also speak to all in your community, help them save themselves.

We must never give up, the stakes are too high and important. When you feel like giving up - tell yourself, "This is not me thinking this way. This is the result of all the poisons they have used to break me down. I refuse to give in; I refuse to let the bastards win!!!"

Another excellent post Arthur! Thank you. I need to get the water. I'm certain I have lots of aluminum in my brain from my days of working at an R&D facility at Dow Chemical.

Just think! As you'll be getting rid of the aluminum, with it will the traces of PC be stolen from you and you shall truly be free.

I really do appreciate you sharing the articles on topics like detoxing aluminum...

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