Be a competent self in achieving your dreams.

in #wafrica6 years ago (edited)

be a competent self in community and dreams

As I mentioned in the sense, the benefits of pursuing the dream above, then the functions and benefits of the word can be defined as a motivational generator for someone who reads it. In addition to the use of themes, it can also be interpreted a series of words that are beneficial to one's life because it is filled with various meanings. In addition, the social is also useful to improve the virtues and wisdom of a higher life for someone who read it.

Today, maybe some of you are still pursuing dreams or aspirations you've been wanting to achieve. Some of the rest may even give up because of too much challenge.
"To Forge Many Obstacles That Disappointed Two Minutes Probably But After That Must Rise Again."

Well, for you who feel almost desperate, yuk read the inspirational essence of the famous people in the world below first. Through their words, you can be inspired and eager to pursue your dreams, becoming successful in the #steemit media of the way you go.
Your time is limited Do not get caught up in the dogma where you live with what others think Do not let other people's opinions drown your own inner voice You must have the courage to follow your heart and intuition They sometimes know what you will be .The other only additional"
Steve Jobs

menjadi diri yang kompeten dalam komunitas dan mimpi

Seperti yang saya sebutkan dalam arti, manfaat mengejar mimpi di atas, maka fungsi dan manfaat dari kata tersebut dapat didefinisikan sebagai generator motivasi bagi seseorang yang membacanya. Selain penggunaan tema, itu juga bisa diartikan serangkaian kata-kata yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan seseorang karena diisi dengan berbagai makna. Selain itu, sosial juga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kebajikan dan kebijaksanaan hidup yang lebih tinggi bagi seseorang yang membacanya.

Hari ini, mungkin sebagian dari Anda masih mengejar impian atau cita-cita yang ingin Anda capai. Sebagian dari sisanya bahkan mungkin menyerah karena terlalu banyak tantangan.
"Menempa Banyak Hambatan Yang Mengecewakan Dua Menit Mungkin Tapi Setelah Itu Harus Bangkit Lagi."

Nah, buat kamu yang merasa hampir putus asa, yuk baca esensi inspirasional dari orang terkenal di dunia di bawah dulu. Melalui kata-kata mereka, Anda dapat terinspirasi dan bersemangat untuk mengejar impian Anda, menjadi sukses di media #steemit dari cara Anda pergi.
Waktu Anda terbatas Jangan terjebak dalam dogma di mana Anda tinggal dengan apa yang orang lain pikirkan Jangan biarkan pendapat orang lain menenggelamkan suara batin Anda sendiri Anda harus memiliki keberanian untuk mengikuti kata hati dan intuisi Anda Mereka kadang-kadang tahu apa yang akan terjadi. lainnya hanya tambahan "

Steve Jobs

If you have not achieved success, do not ever stop to keep trying.
We were given two hands, one to help ourselves and one to help others.
Dreams can come true not by magic, but by sweat and hard work.

Jika Anda belum mencapai kesuksesan, jangan pernah berhenti untuk terus berusaha.
Kami diberi dua tangan, satu untuk membantu diri sendiri dan satu untuk membantu orang lain.
Mimpi bisa menjadi kenyataan bukan dengan sihir, tetapi oleh keringat dan kerja keras.

When despair comes because of failure, then you must immediately rise up. Do not let the flavor persist until it prevents you from moving forward. There are many ways you can keep your spirit and restore your confidence in achieving whatever you dream. One easy way you can do is learn from the experiences of others who also feel the failure, and rise up to now they become successful.

You do not need to know those successful people directly to learn from them. Just read the quotes (or famous with quotation marks) they share, then you can take lessons and apply them to life. In addition to reading the experiences they share, you can also read positive words, encourage, and build your confidence back.

Best of luck with your success, surfing #steemit more excited.

If you do not build your dreams, then someone will hire you
to help build their dreams. That's the key! build good community communication, and comment with great people.

Thank you for visiting, I apologize for any mistakes in writing and translations.

Do not forget to leave your suggestions and comments.

Author: @edinhazard

Category: competent to succeed.

Date: 9/5/2018

Warm greetings from me for everything.

Ketika keputusasaan datang karena kegagalan, maka Anda harus segera bangkit. Jangan biarkan rasa tetap bertahan sampai mencegah Anda bergerak maju. Ada banyak cara Anda dapat menjaga semangat dan mengembalikan kepercayaan diri Anda dalam mencapai apa pun yang Anda impikan. Salah satu cara mudah yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah belajar dari pengalaman orang lain yang juga merasakan kegagalan, dan bangkit hingga kini mereka menjadi sukses.

Anda tidak perlu mengetahui orang-orang sukses tersebut secara langsung untuk belajar dari mereka. Baca saja kutipan (atau terkenal dengan tanda kutip) yang mereka bagikan, lalu Anda dapat mengambil pelajaran dan menerapkannya ke kehidupan. Selain membaca pengalaman yang mereka bagikan, Anda juga bisa membaca kata-kata positif, mendorong, dan membangun kepercayaan diri Anda kembali.

Semoga sukses dengan kesuksesan Anda, berselancar #steemit lebih bersemangat.

Jika Anda tidak membangun impian Anda, maka seseorang akan mempekerjakan Anda
untuk membantu membangun impian mereka. Itu kuncinya! membangun komunikasi komunitas yang baik, dan berkomentar dengan orang-orang hebat.

Terima kasih telah berkunjung, saya mohon maaf atas kesalahan dalam menulis dan terjemahan.

Jangan lupa tinggalkan saran dan komentar Anda.

Penulis: @edinhazard

Kategori: kompeten untuk berhasil.

Tanggal: 9/5/2018

Salam hangat dari saya untuk semuanya.


I like your post. If you have a goal, never give up. No one ever said you can reach your goals without a lot of hard work. When I first started here I stopped posting after a couple of months because of frustration that it did not seem I could achieve what I had set out to do.

Then I remember something I observed about my father...he seemed to fail at everything he tried. He was very unhappy for many years. But, he never quit trying. Late in life he met with the success he had been pursuing.

I then came back to steemit with a new attitude. Mainly I was going to enjoy what I was doing. Engage with people. Then see where it would take me.

I am still working toward my goals, even though I am 65 years old. And most of the time I am having fun.

As @edinhazard stated read quotes from famous successful people. Read about their lives. You will be surprised of how many struggled when they started.

Thank you

Thank you very much sir.
I underline, in my life record, under the wise word to note is, my grandfather, is your father, sir.
How difficult it is for young people like me today, to take the example that people who have not surrendered failed, we must try again.

And the word wise, the success I admire, you get perfect results, as your late father said, sir.
Now, dad, sir @r2cornell. has become a good success person.

Your capital is trying harder in failure.
Maybe capital in success.

With my deepest heart, I pray to my late father, you, to be a good person in a decent place in his resting nature. Amen.

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