
I agree!, although my daughter's rats live in a 3-story cage with ramps and tunnels and once a day she puts a small tote full of dirt with grass growing in it in there for them to play in and dig, and she gives them a shallow pool with brightly colored rocks on the bottom and they love diving to get the rocks and bring them up the ramp and hide them in their blankets upstairs. She has a mirror that she puts in there there for them occasionally and they're quite fascinated with their own reflections. She has an area fenced-off in her living room where she can sit on the floor and do her homework for the classes that she's taking and the rats can be in there with her climbing all over her and her homework. She does have way too much fun with them! Her husband tends to think she's a little crazy but then I see him walking around with one of them crawling around on his shoulder so I think he might enjoy them a little bit!

That's wild. You are making me feel less disgusted by my rats.

No.... They need to go live elsewhere. You are totally within your rights to want them out of your attic! How can you get rid of them? Poison is not the solution because then you have a bunch of dead animals rotting in your attic. Plus there's the danger of it getting out into the environment. Traps would be a lot of work. I wonder how an exterminator handles that situation? It might be worth a phone call to ask that information.

We've found a small place in our eves where they are squeezing into. My husband is setting up a one-way door to hopefully get them out, and just in case he is setting up traps inside. We are just hoping they haven't had babies in there yet.

They Do have babies... frequently. Alli has all females.
Good luck! Your husband sounds like he knows what he is doing. Thanks for not using poison!

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