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RE: Leading My Own Miniature Village, in the Land of the Crazy Sun

in #writing5 years ago

Howdy ginnyannette! Big Dog doesn't like the cool weather? oh man...Jack loves it, he thrives on it, maybe Big Dog's fur isn't thick enough? Anyway I love the crazy sun photos! Speaking of dogs, the coyotes are starting their nightly ruckus just now, howling like crazy, Jack is on high alert. You guys have coyotes over there? I forget.


Big Dog loves it too. I was referring to Old Man Dog - his hair isn't very thick, and he's old so he is just slower moving. It just struck me as really funny that I refer to them as Big Dog and Old Man Dog. Having to type all that out is a little ridiculous rather than one word for their actual names :)

How eerie that must sound. We apparently do have an occasional sighting out here, but not often. I've never seen a coyote. That must be lots of fun for Jack.

haha! what are their actual names if I can ask, I know you like to keep some things private! lol. Ok that makes sense..poor Old Man Dog, but he probably doesn't spend much time outside in the winter anyway right?

The coyotes are amazing to listen to because there are so many different sounds that they make. . It can be so high pitched that it sounds like a woman screaming, then there is barking, then yelping, then yipping, then long and drawn-out howling in many different tones. It IS very eerie. Jack is mostly just curious and hyper alert but when I take him out at night, usually about 2 am, if he gets a scent of one, and he usually does, he gets all blown up like we've talked about Big Dog does and he's like ready to fight. When he gets like that he can even be rough with me and growls at me! lol.I mean not viciously growls but semi playful growl.

That's very cool. I'm sure you enjoy it like Jack does. Jack getting all riled up and getting rough is a thing Old Man Dog does too. He also gets aggressive about food. It's pretty funny, I will set the food bowl down and he will growl at me instantly, like I'm going to take it back. He's completely bluffing though - I can kiss his nose while he's doing it and he won't bite. Crazy old guy :)

howdy this fine Tuesday ginnyannette! oh that is interesting because Jack will growl when it comes to food if you try to make him eat something, you offer him food and he'll start growling sometimes. He doesn't want to be forced to eat, then if you set his bowl down and walk away he'll eat it most of the time but he wants to be in control of when he eats! It IS a funny thing just like Old Man Dog though, not a serious growl but at first I was taken back until I realized he wasn't serious.
dogs are so entertaining!

I think German shepherds in particular have a lot of personality, and possibly stubbornness. Big Dog's mother was a full German Shepherd, and father I am guessing was a chow of some sort. Makes for a unique character.

howdy again ginnyannette..oh that is a unique mixture indeed. Yes German Shepards can be very stubborn but also very loyal and protective. Unless it's thundering, then they turn into shaky little puppies!

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