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RE: Spice of Strength - Chapter 28 - A'mara Books

in #writing5 years ago

I am in Canada, so fortunately I can get ISBN's for free. I published my colouring book initially through CreateSpace (now it is Kindle something or other, I have to look), anyway, at that time you could get a free ISBN through them, but then they are listed as the publisher. Anyway, you can check them out if you haven't already... that way too, you get your book on Amazon and can list with other distributors. 😁

Me too, another group, but we are already doing half the stuff anyway if we were commenting before 😉 So far, so good!


Amazon doesn't tend to treat indie authors too well from everything I'm learning. I've used Createspace before, it still exists, but is directly affiliated with Amazon who have rejected a couple of my novellas - maybe because I share them for free here - so, I'm not going to be playing with them. That's why I'm looking at Lulu.

Ah.... that's too bad. Yes, directly affiliated with Amazon... but no, as far as I know it has gone from Createspace to Kindle Direct Publishing... I got an email from them recently because my book is listed with them.

There are a couple of other self-publishers, if I come across the names through some of my contacts, I will pass them on to you.

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