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RE: 3000 Subscribers On YouTube (Still Not Monetized After 8 Months)

in #youtube6 years ago

No, ThemTube is dead.

I have watched this several times.

Your premise is that there are no competitors, how could it fail?
I know of two competitors, one and two steps into the future, that will blow away ThemTube with advanced technology.

Now, ThemTube will still be around, just like FOXCNNABCBS are.
They are owned by the same people who will pay any amount of money to try to maintain control of everything you see. However, their actual viewer share is plummeting.

And big name ThemTube producers are looking for a way out.
And with up and coming content creators being stifled, a new outlet will be formed. (it is the law of the universe)

So, ThemTube is dead


I'd be willing to bet 24 months or 2 years from now Youtube is still the king of video by a longshot. Believe me, I hope I'm wrong, I'd love for another competitor to step up but Vimeo isn't really even the same type of platform, Twitter tried video and letting video creators monetize that was a flop, InstaTV may do well but I don't think it will be the same experience, VidMe tried and went under, DTube is cool but nowhere near the amount of content, the userbase or the refined algorithm. I hope your right but I don't think so

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