The Progression Of Life: My Sepia Saturday Wandered Right Off The Page Into Sublime Sunday, Finally Moving On To Monochrome Monday ~ Original Photography and Original Discussion About Plants ~

in #cycleoflifeisnevercomple5 years ago (edited)

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Winter Harshing Your Plant-Based Mellow

Winter is hard. On just about everything. And if you happen to be a plant, it appears to be even MORE difficult. Let's face it-- whether you were pooped out by a bird, borne by the wind, or just gravitational-ly dropped to the ground--wherever your seedling self 'chose' to land, way back when last spring, is pretty much where you shall be. Probably for the duration.

And just sitting there, being a plant, through that nasty-harsh winter, is a hard row to hoe. Those long-suffering mail carrier's got nothing on you, sad little desiccated plant of Nature. Rain, sleet, snow, the dark of night, wind, ice, bone chilling temperatures, more wind, more rain. Let's face it, if it's been invented by the weather wonks, you WILL have to endure it. At least until you dry up and blow away into infinity dust.

This whole 'quick' photo project started out well, on Saturday: "Ooh, a Sepia Saturday event". Then, for various reasons, continued on into Sublime Sunday. (Yes, I realize being a dried up, frozen shadow of your once-grand plant self, is not exactly sublime. But these Steemit events ARE called Challenges). And since I didn't get this post out on time for Sunday...("MY" team was playing basketball that day) it is, all dressed up in its Sepia best, for Monochrome Monday. So, onward and into the day, while there's still time, and the day is still HERE. (This post just would not 'do', if I drag it out longer into Tree Tuesday.)
Monochrome Monday it is, then.

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Winter Bones In Sepia

All these small plants were discovered in my yard. Sitting or hanging around, just trying to hang ON, until spring. At least as skeletons of their former, glorious selves. I hope they make it. Definitely a harsh life, being an outdoor plant in these wet, cold Northern climes.


These remind me of little spiders. But no worries. Just an old Queen Anne's Lace of some sort. I'm sure this image conjures forth a bit of ArachnoWeedophobia to some out there. My apologies up front for providing any lookalike, plant-based willies.

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Remnants of a Japanese Persimmon. Only the part where it attaches (the sepals) are still left on the twig. A small remnant of a once glorious (and a bit tart), fleshy fruit.

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Some sort of grass seed head. Bent over in the relentless wind. Or just very very tired. (Grass ID can be quite difficult, having many parts with proper, complicated names. I would try to impress you here, but shall spare you.(Mainly because I don't have a CLUE what they are...).

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If The Berry Bush Could Speak

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A leftover Blackberry. Or POTENTIAL Blackberry. Pretty sure all the 'hairs' are the filaments of the male stamens, and the little 'footballs' on the ends at the bottom, are the anthers. The parts that hold the male pollen. Think this fruit may have gotten frozen out, before any fertilization could take place. Dry testimony of a potentially grand fruit, now gone the downhill way of Nature. Life begets life begets life. And on we go.

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Not sure WHAT happened to this berry fruit. Only the filaments remain in a large bunch. Maybe frozen out as well, and the berry never got fertilized. A simple testament to what COULD have been one of MANY sumptuous berry-fruits, sprinkled onto my Saturday AM, cereal bowl mix of Television Cartoon Glory.

Shameless Past-Post Self Promotion -- [The Past Is Never Really Gone: Fine Art Of The Mix]

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This berry was fertilized, and developed into a fine, fat fruit. But for some reason was not picked and eaten. Not even by the birds. Now just biding its time, hanging out on the bramble vine for as long as possible. "Just BE little fruit, just BE".

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Another "some sort of weed " with an empty seed head. This one happily grew during the summer months into a nifty, curved bow. Now dried out and stuck that way for the rest of its days. I'm sure our plant still enjoys this curvy look. Very stylish indeed.

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Grape leaves in winter repose. Look a bit like old stacked leather, or flatfish.

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Grape leaves, in winter repose, slowly becoming one with Nature.

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Two Rose Hips. They're tough little fruits, still hanging on, going strong in the winter of their life. Remind me a bit of my dear Grandmother, bless her heart.

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A very persistent Golden Delicious apple. Holding on and holding out for SOMEONE to come along and pluck from the stem, and build a nice apple pie. I don't have the heart to tell this lumpy fruit: "you might be a bit beyond your expiration date". We'll just leave it as it hangs. The birds like to peck at it now and then anyway. Life begets life begets life. It really IS a fascinating show, this whole cycle of Nature thing.

Have a nice Monday. And stay warm and supple.

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the latest Sepia Saturday-Sublime Sunday-Monochrome Monday view of plants in my back yard. If you have any thoughts about wintry plants, the slow and steady cycle of nature, Sepia photography, not getting projects done when you hope to, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 02/11/2019 @ 16:12

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 119

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Sepia Saturday Into MonoMonday-Vet Coupon2FINALBIGGER.PNG

[Tag Helper: thecycleoflifeisnevercomple te]


Such striking photos and great composition and contrast of light and dark.

This time of year can be a bit like stasis, a sort of 'in between' land not quite Winter and certainly not Spring, but I'd feel differently if I were still in England. I know I'd be planting were I there. Even if I were back at Toad Hall I'd be filling my windowsills with seedlings, but soon...

I'm so that way where I think I'll do a post about ONE thing and then it becomes another and another...again my DESIRE to simplify and hone a razor sharp focus often leads to distraction. What can one do?

As a side note, and you probably know this, the rose-hip is LOADED with vitamin C and if the zombie apocalypse ever comes they are even a better way to stave off scurvy then oranges, and easier to grow in our climates :)

Thank you, glad you enjoyed my short romp out into the yard. I love sepia, it has such a quality to it. This is a funky time of year. Not sure which way to go. I hope you do get to gardening soon, I know how much you enjoy it. And still so sorry you are not still in Merry Old England. Maybe you can return next winter. I hope so, if that is a desire of yours. You were having such a time of it.
As for that focus thing, I try to think of the positive side. I'm NEVER out of ideas and such. So that is a good part of it. Though there are reams of things that I know will never get done. But such is life.
Thanks for the zombie suggestions, I may need it. Nice to know I shall not go scurvitous, even if they all attack in droves. Now I shall go out and chew a rose hip or two to start building my C's. Cheers, and have a nice Thursday (though it is about up out yonder.) TTFN

I saw hairy guys, some mustaches, maracas and a pin there! Or at least that's what they looked to me hehe

Ha haa. Art is definitely in the eye of the beholder. And you beholdin' some pretty fine imagery there. Thanks for the contribution, and onward into the photo realm. Cheers

Oh these are all good! Really, really good! Totally enjoyed and I have to say it is a theme that hits me in all the right places! Be it beauty in demise, or the way of nature that nothing lasts forever - it speaks to me. If I was one of those whale accounts, I sure would hit this! Every shot so nicely done in sepia! Just an awesome post, start to finish!

Wow, thanks so much for the very kind thoughts and writings. Means a lot to me, and I'm glad you enjoyed my little romp in the back yard. (My hands were like ice when I finally went in. And it's NOTHING like Michigander here...whaa whaaa whaaaa). So glad you liked the sentiment as well, Mother Nature is a real fascinating subject to tackle, think and ponder about. And seems to be changing as we speak.

I really appreciate all your support and positivity of both my works, and overall on the site, from day one till today and into the future, I am sure. Means a lot to me. You are a hugely positive beacon for Steemit in my book. Plus, you have great challenges...thanks for giving me a REASON to go out and freeze my fingers and betookus, and get these things done ( : You be da man. Have a nice night, stay warm, and off that ice. Cheers

Excellent post with gorgeous photos of the plants in your garden and great description for each photo!

Oh! Thanks that this is not “spider” post. I’m one of those who are extremely fear of spiders. Um! “ArachnoWeedophobia”, this maybe the right word for me….

It’s very amazing that these plants can survive until now and I do hope that they can pass through winter and be stronger and stronger till next spring coming.

Among the photos, I especially love the “weed” that has a nifty and curved bow. Very stylish, as you said, indeed!

It’s good to know that the “rose hips” can remind you to your dear Grandmother. May God bless her!

I absolutely agree with you, “It really IS a fascinating show, this whole cycle of Nature thing”.

As to your wishes for us in the bottom of your article, may I ask for differences …..”Stay cool, cold, etc.” instead of “Stay warm”…. ;D

Have a pleasant day, GFF!

Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed the three day Sepia event. It was fun to shoot and do. My Grandmother is now gone, but not forgotten. She was a very intresting, fun, Nature loving to the Nth woman, and WAY ahead of her time. I miss her greatly. We used to sit and watch birds and crabs and other creatures for hours in Florida. It was so fun to hang out and just "Be", when with her.
As for the warmth, I shall change that here, to 'stay cool'. I seem to forget that some folks are sweltering, as we say, while I was freezing my hands taking photos. How the world changes as you bop around it's circumference. Have a nice day, and Stay Cool GFF ( :

You are much welcome!

Ah! I can see how much love you have for your dear Grandmother! And I can imagine what happiness you had when with her. These were very good and sweet memory for you indeed. I know now where your humor and your love for nature came from…..

Many thanks for changing your wish for me. And “sweltering” is the right word for here at the moment! Ha ha! ;D

Have a beautiful day and Stay Warm, GFF! ;)))

Thanks, she really did have a huge influence on my fascination with life and creatures and nature and such. I often wish many people I know could have met her. But also feel very lucky to have had her in my life for a long, long time.
I think it's always amazing, we have our own experiences where we live, and somewhere else is SO different, and we would like to change now and then, to what they have. But as soon as we get it, we want it back again. Cool and hot, rain and dry, green grass and not. It is always greener elsewhere. Though it is often more in talk, I think, than reality. Most people I know are quite content with where they live. Lucky again, maybe. Or easily satisfied ( : Maybe a bit of both. Cheers my friend. ( I am quite babble-ipherous tonight. I can guarantee that DDS word is NOT going to be in your Thai/English dictionary. Just leave it as "talking with my hands here, a LOT" ( :

My pleasure!

That’s really great and you are so lucky that you had her in your life for long, long time….. I also wish to meet her even though it’s impossible now. At least, I'm a good friend forever (GFF) of her Grandson who resemble her and that I may probably meet him one day!!

Regarding the weather or circumstance, I think the same as you! It would be really great if we can change now and then. I can say that I’m quite content with where I live, but sometimes, I would love differences; i.e. snow, cold weather, etc.

Ha ha! Your DDS word always amaze me! Come on! What does it mean?

Babbleipherous -talking a whole LOT, sometimes when not requested. And something DDS does a lot of ( :
It would be nice to meet some day, we can keep our fingers crossed. Is that a saying in Thailand? I am a bit like my grandmother, which is a good thing. I guess the fruit does not always fall far from the tree.
I'm sending a bit of weather change your way, but it has a long way to go, so may get 'watered down' a bit before it crosses the wide Pacific ocean.

Many thanks for clarifying your DDS word! That’s really creative idea! Um! I may probably create my own “TMO” word someday….. ;D

I don’t think we had that saying in Thailand…. “Keep our fingers crossed” means “good luck”, right? Sorry, but I'm not sure whether it is the right meaning or not. Um! I think, I learned a lot from you!

Regarding the weather, I know, you have tried your best in packing cold weather in a box for me. Many thanks! And don’t worry! It’s the false of Pacific ocean and not your false that makes the cold weather gets “watered down”…. The Pacific ocean is just too wide…. Ha ha! ;D

I always enjoy talking with you and I must thank you so much for always make me happy and have wide smile on my face! ^_____^

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