[KissteemEN] Change the rules for voting.

in zzanlast year


Hello. We are @kissteemkr, sharing the love. ^^
Currently, @kissteemkr offers 50% voting to those who are active and maintain around 27,000 SP. We're changing the rules to give you a little more incentive to stay active. We'd like to help those who are active and steadily increasing their spawns.

You are now eligible to receive automatic voting from the @kissteemkr if you are

I try to check them once or twice a month and clean them up. If you post outside of the @kissteemkr community, it is difficult for me to find them. If you let me know or report them, I will reflect them on the reward list. For now, I will reward them at the 50% level, and if the reward rate recovers, I will reward them upwards. Please continue to do good deeds and share. ^^

The current voting targets are as follows.
@blackeyedm, @ezen, @riversh2, @epitt925, @cjsdns, @pircoin, @lyh5926, @o5otaesik, @banguri, @youngdeuk, @ksk1149, @shrah011, @successgr.with, @tkdgjs79, @newiz 27, @successgr, @sog332, @hodolbak
We hope to see more names getting voted in by the key team. Be happy today. Thank you. Love you. Blessing you. ❤️

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