The Speculation is Fact!!! Why? I thought of it. The only true fact is my arrogance.

in #informationwar6 years ago

This is my response to @jayanarchon in @deliberator's post Why Freemasons think lucifer got a bum deal.!. NWO news.. It began there, but kept growing in length. I thought I should make it into it's own post.

The thing about all of this demonic symbolism is it is all allegorical. Satanists and Lucifarians do not actually worship a deity. It is hard (especially for Christians) to grasp this concept, as the symbolism adopted has been done so to personify a direct antagonist of the Christian God. This has been done intentionally. The symbolism is becoming prevalent now in 'godly' religions because the same team controls both sides of the coin. I would go as far as to say that modern-day Christianity is a form of Lucifarianism.

All of this dark symbolism is used to conceal detailed knowledge of how the human body and psyche work. As well as knowledge of our universe, how our reality functions and true history. This is intentionally done to discourage the 'profane' from ever even looking into this information, which has been occulted.

Occult simply means hidden.

Thanks for the great post @deliberator!

First. I agree with the comment by @jayanarchon it was well written and pulled the following words flowing like a flood out of my mind.

They acquired this by copying Zoroastrianism. Judaism (i.e. the seed from which Christianity was birthed) began as true monotheism. There was no concept of hell, and there was no Satan/Lucifer bad guy. Just God. There was judgement in the afterlife, but there was no such thing as hell or a bad guy.

Then they mingled with Zoroastrians who were a far more prominent religion at the time. The Zoroastrians claim to be monotheists as well though they had the antagonist bad guy, and they had the concept of heaven and hell, salvation and damnation as we've come to know them.

It was after this intermingling that these concepts entered into Judaism. You could say that is when Satan/Lucifer as we know them was born and entered into the Canon along with the concept of Hell.

I personally consider Christianity, Zoroastrianism, etc to be polytheistic religions due to the need to set up a dichotomy. Satan is treated much like Lesser Gods were treated in any polytheistic religion. If you go to some offshoots or consider the concepts of Saints, Demons, and Devils these things all resemble Lesser Gods and or Demigods of Polytheistic faiths.

I do think Judaism was monotheistic prior to deciding it needed to copy Zoroastrianism.

Why would they copy Zoroastrianism? I doubt it was hard for them to notice how the threat of damnation was an extremely useful tool for controlling fellow humans.

So why don't we hear about this?

That is simple. The First Council of Nicaea formed some 300+ years after the birth of Christ was formed by the Roman Empire to create what we now know of as the Bible. They decided what works would go into the bible, which would not, and how to make them into a cohesive whole.

In other words, they were the early editors room. A lot of stuff ended up on the cutting room floor.

This happened again at the second council of Nicaea some two hundred years later. It happens again and again as people edit it, change words, and make it more palatable for their goals.

This is not unique to Christianity this editing and absorption of ideas and acting as though they originated from the thing that absorbed them. It is simply Christianity and Judaism that I personally know the history of the best.

You should try reading some really old bibles before King James edition if you have a chance. You'll find pro-slavery, rape, murder, and all kinds of things that have since been edited to be less harsh in language or description.

This is also why the Dead Sea Scrolls were such a big deal. They are works that survived the Nicaean purge of literature that didn't fit the desired narrative.

This is one of many reasons I am a Deist.

I do believe in a creator/catalyst I just don't believe it is any of the things people have written into books, or speculated/imagined/hypothesized and then passed off as fact.

I look around me at the wonders. I use reason. I learn the little parts of the closest thing to a bible I can find which is the mysteries of reality itself.

I am pro-freedom of religion. I don't mind people practicing whatever religion they want as long as they don't force me to follow it, or pass laws based upon its beliefs that apply some form of force to me or others.

However, I do see a danger in people pushing the Satan and Luciferian speculations (that is often what they are) and blaming everything on something that in my research is a construct and didn't initially exist. This type of drive has lead to the Crusades, The Inquisition, The Salem Witch Trials, persecution of the Cathars, etc.

Speculating that something you don't understand is the work of Satan and then treating it as heresy historically is a path that leads quickly down another path of intolerance based upon your IMAGININGS which you suddenly treat as real and fact. Bloodshed soon follows.

My belief in freedom of religion does not extend to supporting people vilifying ideas, tools, and speech they don't like. Even if they shroud it in the label of Satan, Lucifer, C'Thulhu, Baphomet, Baal, Beelzebub, Mars, Hades, Hel, Loki, Maeve, Morrigan, or any other label.

We as humans learn a great deal by speculating, then applying techniques to prove our speculations. These techniques are essentially what the scientific method is.

However, we also have a danger of taking shortcuts and deciding proof, testing, and revising are unimportant and just deciding our speculation is fact and the truth because it originated from within our mind. In arrogance we can consider it infallible as long as it originated within us. If we can then back this with Charisma, Intimidation, or Intelligence we may sway some people that is true. Especially, if we castigate them for questioning it.

Get Behind Me Satan

We are really good at casting words that act as verbal grenades to try to shut down the non-believers. The only thing that really changes is which of our speculations we believe there should be no right to question or challenge.

I do believe in the concept of good, and evil. It just took me awhile to codify it down into something simple that works for me and doesn't require some anthropomorphized being that I can scapegoat it upon.

If you must use force to MAKE someone do something against their will when they are not harming anyone else PHYSICALLY or their property then that is an act of evil.

Voluntarism is the embodiment of good as far as I am concerned.

There are times we must use force. Yet the Non-Aggression Principle essentially defines that quite well. Self defense. Yet we don't view words as aggression like the growing group of people around the planet that view everything from the mentality of a victim. We can walk away from words. We can disagree with words. Words cannot force us.

We also must use force to teach our children. They are not born into this world with the ability to survive without our help. Part of their growth is in the womb, and a good portion is outside of it. We must tell them "You can't do that", "Don't touch that it is hot", etc.

How people rear their children is up to them, yet regardless of how you do it you do impose rules which are a form of force upon them. This is required for survival.

However, once they reach a state where they can survive on their own that RULES and FORCE must be withdrawn. You are no longer helping them by applying force. Finding out when this time is can be tricky and is subjective, and it can also be difficult to let them fly on their own.

They will be at risk. Life is risky. Freedom is risky. This is the nature of reality.

Looking for imaginary scapegoats to blame bad things upon is doing no one a service, and in the long run it often leads to persecution and bloodshed.

People need to start treating their speculations like possibilities, instead of certainties.

Some people will say "There is hell, I have seen it!" Yet, pick any religion they can say the same thing about their perceptions of what the afterlife will be. The truth of the matter is all of us can only speculate upon what the afterlife might be until we die. Each of us will get the chance to learn. We can speculate, we can learn, but we will not truly know until we die.

As to why some people see the Happy Hunting Ground, Valhalla, Hell, Heaven when they have something like a vision or a Near Death Experience. How can they all be true?

I can speculate. That is all it is. What if it is like a dream? You may see what you believe you will see, believe you deserve. Who knows... we'll find out if there is something to that speculation or not when we die.


Very interesting post. Two points to add:

Religious truths are not factual truths but from an metaphysical perspective not necessarily factually untrue either. Allegory is literal and metaphorical.

Christ the Son and Satan are the archetypes of good and bad man. To worship them as deities is idolatry.

Yes. I used the word facts repeatedly for a reason.

Truth is subjective. The truth as we know it differs in each of us based upon our own knowledge and experience. We can only work with the information and things we have encountered. Yet if we are wise our truth changes as we encounter new information. It is ever changing, or it should be. It is only when we try to lock it into stone and resist any change that it becomes dangerous.

There is also the idea of things being probable. We often do things based upon probabilities, yet there is always an outlier that is outside of that probability.

We kind of have to do this. Take risks. If the probabilities are high, then the risk is low.

Some people take risks (lottery) even when probabilities are low. :)

Yes, they are archetypes.

I don't worship anything.

Nor will I.

Though I do think there is a creator. I simply think it is far more vast than anything written in the primitive words of man. Many things we discover we don't even have the words or the understanding to explain until later. As we answer questions we often then have more questions than we started with.

This is not to say there is no creator. It can instead be a glimpse of how vast everything truly is, and in the wake of that the presumptions of written religions seem nothing more than the product of arrogance and speculation of man to me.

I look at the golden mean, fractals, quantum mechanics, and many other things and to me those are glimpses into the word of a creator. Vast things that I'll never solve, but I'll keep trying to learn more about.

If I could solve them... the adventure would be gone.

I view death as the same. A chance to continue the adventure. I'll learn what is to come of that when my time comes. Hopefully, not too soon.

I appreciate the precision of your language and share much of your view here. But I do not share your disapproval of worship. I wonder what is sacred that is not deserving of worship (besides Self, of course)?

Why I mentioned idolatry (above) is that just as idols themselves are only the physical representations of deities, likewise Jesus, Mary, Satan, the saints, all the angelic figures are not God but personifications of His will; so neither are they worshiped in His place as Him, except by idolators. Proper worship respects its object or image for what it in fact is: if an idol then as an idol, if an icon then as an icon. Thus idols are worshiped as representations of deities, icons as personifications of their wills. Indeed, idolization of Satan must be doubly blasphemous because you unseat God the Father from Primacy and because you worship a graven image as divinity itself.


If you do some research @eskmcdonnell, you will find out that 'Satanists' do not actually worship any deity at all.

I believe I understand perfectly well. Even the non-theist Satanists focus their worship on Satan in place of on God (much as Christians often wrongly prioritize Jesus or the text of the Word for veneration).

The point you are trying to make is correct, I would however like to clarify the terminology you are using as the word truth is currently being smeared and distorted to steal the true meaning of the word and concept from the English language.

Truth is true independently of the perceptions and beliefs of any individual, that's what makes it true. A truth can not "be a truth, but not a factual truth".

What is true is what is or what has been. Truth is not subjective nor open to interpretation, truth is not something that can be decided, it stands alone.

Not trying to nit-pick your comment, language and terminology are used in a major way to distort our ability to communicate with one another. In this case the word 'truth' is not being used correctly and I find that the general understanding of this concept is currently under attack.

The first Council of Nicea was to determine the divinity of Christ... a refutation of Arianism. It also institutionalized the Church... before the Council the Church was decentralized, each having a Bishop who determined doctrine. The Council codified doctrine. The books of the Bible were agreed on democratically with each Bishop having a vote.

The Second Council was to determine where the Holy Ghost fit in and it was agreed that Father, Son and Holy Spirit were all aspects of God thus Trinitarianism was born.

So they say. Yet there are works that paint a different tale than the bible that didn't make the cut.

Also. I don't believe something as important as religion if it is indeed what it claims to be should be subject to Democracy.

Reality is not defined by democracy. :) To me editing still applies.

What are you doing here, working me for upvotes lol!

Also. For the record. I know you embrace Christianity. Many people I care about do. I am fine with that, completely. Your actions and who you are, are what matter to me. I see you as a great person.

So yeah when I speak of religion it may attack some things you believe. That doesn't mean I expect you to change your mind. This subject is mysterious. Embrace what makes the most sense to you.

As to the after life. We will all get a chance to find out. Hopefully not too soon.

My brand of Christianity is my own- it predates Nicea. You've read my take on institutions, when something becomes an institution the inherent flaws kick in and they are ALL eventually taken over by their worst element. I'm working on a new theory of Jesus and his virgin birth that will be mind blowing- based on Annunaki hybridation with reptilians.

I was friends with Edward R. Smith who wrote "The Births of Christ" and that was an interesting and short book. I also have some other more in depth works of his. He did some interesting things to try to make up for the contradictions and problems in the bible. It was interesting as prior to that he was a Tax Attorney (successful one) for decades. He was also a concert pianist.

He met me when he needed someone to fix his computer. :)

This is from a post I did earlier...
While the reptilian Annunaki were tampering with DNA, likely from Neanderthals, creating their slave race to replace workers brought from Nibiru (Igigi): As the Bible says, "the children of the gods (Nephilim) found the daughters of men fair and took them for wives." Many were destroyed by the Flood because the gods were displeased, but perhaps not all. My hypothesis is that this is the beginning of the Royal/Illuminati bloodline. The slave race contains reptilian DNA, but not that of the elite Nephilim. When we come to the story of the birth of Jesus, why was Mary selected? Surely any vessel would do... or was she selected because she didn't have reptilian DNA.

The thing about the Birth of Christ that caused Ed to go on his adventure and scholarly pursuits was the fact that the details in Luke's account and Matthew's don't match. They even have some contradictions.

So as an attorney he hit a crisis moment (he stumbled upon that when teaching adult bible school). So he went on a journey to reconcile it.

His reconciliation of these things was heavily based around the prolific works of Rudolf Steiner.

Now I am not saying this agrees with your ideas. I am just giving you some interesting reference points.

I don't agree with Ed or Steiner's conclusions but they are so well researched they are still very valuable.

They point out inconsistencies and seeming impossibilities in the literature and then they work at making them consistent and possible.

This has exposed inconsistencies I otherwise would not have noticed. Yet, I don't have a religious crisis and feel like I need to find a way to explain them.

...In other words, this is when the government took full control of the latest movement of the people and began to use it to enslave, instead of enlighten them.

Yes it was a 'democratic' process, the root of democratic being the Latin demo - to take away.

On a realistic note a lot of people have given false witness, saying they died and went to hell , however I won't say hell is not real because I'm a Christian, my problem is the fact that people are using speculative tendencies to carve a hell I'm their mind and misleading other people, when they know it's untrue and unproven

Yes. I am fine with people speculating. I only have a problem when people treat speculation as fact and then attempt to force the world around them to fit within the narrative of their speculation.

Yes that is absolutely uncalled for, I guess people should figure out when they're being misled rather than follow blindly.
Your post is detailing and revealing, I enjoyed.

I find it fascinating that the Torah does not talk that much about Satan or about deities of good and evil fighting it out. The gospels talk more about Satan, but he's described more like a corruption than an evil power. Heaven and Hell are sketchy too - so much mythology overlayed on top of the ancient texts. Sheol (Hell) is more like a depository for the dead, pleasant for the righteous and torturous for the wicked. Heaven is a place, relative to God's residence, but Yeshua mostly talks about "Heaven" as another word in place of "God."

The Reign of God (Kingdom of Heaven) is describing the willing submission to God's word in a person's life - living according to God's standard of good and evil, rather than living by our own knowledge of good and evil. If anyone thinks they've been freed from the devil to do their own will, they are greatly deceived. Satan wants people to do their own will, so he can seduce them into HIS will.

Satan's law: Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law, love under will
God's law: Not my will, but Yours be done on earth as it is in Heaven, love regardless of your will.

Truthers have a seed of the kingdom inside of them, since they abhor what is evil. Not what is evil in their opinion, but what is absolutely evil. It's when a truther experiences the germination of that seed that things really get interesting. If a truther doubts the existence of an actual God and believe religion is man-made propaganda, then the seed will sit there like a rock and be useless.



What a great post/reply! I agree with you on all of your perspectives (not that that makes them any more/less valid) and would say we are on a similar page here.

2 things you may want to research further that I have com to different conclusions on;

  • Lucifer / Satan are not the same entity
  • Judaism is not (at least when looked at over time) a mono-theistic religion

You seem to be pretty on point so I'm sure you can do your own research and come to your own conclusions on these.

Assuming there is no force or power in the universe greater than humans would be an act of arrogance. However, the fact that these concepts are personified, and highly debated, shows us the complex nature of any sort of energy force being described through the necessity to simplify the idea. I think any such sort of entity is a little past the current perception level of the average human being and would not be any type of force or intelligence we could assume. When it comes to religion and history be wary of those with all the answers.

It's great to see someone on the same page as far as morality goes. One of my more recent posts gets into this as well as how important true education is.

You bring up a great point about child-rearing. We need to be careful to present ourselves as teachers to the children and not impose following 'authority' with a 'no questions asked' mentality. If you ever say "because I said so" you may want to re-evaluate your parenting perspective.

At the end of the day there is no arrival point and we are all (okay maybe not all) growing and learning together. Be open to new information and be able to accept when you are wrong. If we could combine this attitude with Truth and Morality we would have the possibility of achieving true Freedom, true Anarchy.

Thanks @dwinblood!

Well my friend you nailed that one, I did not have the time or the energy for it, and now I know why, you answered it better than I could have, thank you. Top class post.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Religious Ideas are man -made tools, Moral Panics often do more harm than good.
Our Purpose

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: People perish for lack of knowledge.

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