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RE: Important Milestones as an Entrepreneur!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Haha I like the use of a selfie stick.

"Sounds pretty LOA sure"

Your post about that actually gave me the idea for the post I just wrote. I gave you a shout out in it too.

"It is important to take small but actionable steps toward your big goals."

I really agree with that. If you look t everything that you have to do it seems like too much but if you go little by little, it seems easier even though it is the same amount of work.

You seem to have a good plan (not that I know much about running a business lol) and you seem to have a good attitude. Together, I think those things will help things to work out for you.


Okaaay I was actually having second thoughts about posting the image with selfie stick. I know I will be mocked about that haha.

I will check that post in a bit!

you seem to have a good attitude.

It seems lol. I appreciate that you think I have a 'good attitude' hahaha.

Haha You aren't afraid to express your frustration but I think that is actually a good think (even if some people call it complaining lol). I think shows that you care about things that you talk about and caring is more important than just thinking happy positive thoughts.

Then again, I am a total pessimistic misanthrope so my view might be skewed lol.

If I am being myself by complaining, then I think nobody can change that. Especially not by some random commenters/strangers from time to time coming to your post and asking you to be another person. I think this is what makes people feel repressed out there, they want to stay agreeable to others or maintain a good impression.

I'm just feeling positive atm, tomorrow, who knows lol.

Haha I have those days too. I felt like that this morning speaking of. I crawled back into bed as soon as I could to try to sleep it off a little. Idk if it worked but I am less sleepy lol.

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