Waiting for a Hurricane

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Michael, are you there? I said with my nose against the window this morning. All was eerily calm. There must be meaning to that phrase “calm before the storm.” It’s that hot, humid feeling of stillness when nature is strangely quiet.

The day before Irma hit last year I remember some eccentric things. There was an owl hooting in the middle of the day. Maybe the wind was disturbing its sleep. There was also a large amount of carpenter ants out during the daytime, scampering around on the driveway as though they were making an emergency evacuation. Maybe they sensed that water was going to inundate their nest.

This time, for the second time this year, I am in luck. I’m not getting much off of Hurricane Michael. We live in the hurricane equivalent of the place that the socks disappear to in the dryer. Hurricanes don’t notice us. Despite being on the east coast of Florida, we haven’t had a direct hit since the 1960’s, although we took a pretty good beating the last two years. A direct hit happens about as often as snow. In 1951 there was two inches on the ground, and I’m sure it was a state of emergency here.

I love this land, and all that comes with it. There is something humorous about every season. First, spring comes with a nip of cold and suddenly it is flip-flop weather; summer allows for lazy beach days of watching the antics of women taking selfies in their bikinis, and men showing off their time at the gym; autumn brings with it basically no change in temperature but lots of opportunities to have bonfires and drink wine with friends; then winter drags in late to the show, often not showing up until January and then making only a slack effort. But wait, the fifth season goes right back in there between the last two, and it is most dramatic of them all.


Hurricane season is a mixture of humor and hysteria. First, it is humor, and the memes show up. “So you wanted falling leaves, Florida? How about the whole tree?” And then an actual hurricane pops up as a harmless looking red symbol on the Hurricane Center’s radar. All the natives shrug, wanting to look tough: “Eh, it’s a category 2, what’s the big deal?” Before long everyone is obsessively checking for the 11:00 update, the spaghetti models plastered across screens. Suddenly, it’s a category 4, and then hysteria sets in. Depending on impact, the southbound lanes of the interstate are naked for the fuel trucks to cruise down, trying to replenish the ravaged gas stations of the south as everyone else is trying to flee the bottom of the peninsula. A lot of us join the “Riders of the Storm” Facebook group, and look uneasily at all the questions being posted. “I’m in an evacuation zone in the path of the storm, will I die?”


Last year I recall the shadows of the swaying trees were cast on my kitchen floor by the neighbor’s street light. The shadows kept making me think something was out there, and making me uneasy. Then the power went out, and that problem was solved. You’ve got to count your blessings.

The hurricane is passing by us soon. We’ve only had one hard burst of rain and a tumultuous looking sky. No excitement, but no excitement really is a good thing.


I don't like wind. Strong wind sort of scares me a bit. I went through a cyclone in Cairns, Far North Queensland once. Wasn't pleasant.

I have mixed feelings about it. I love the howl. I like the freakish sights it creates at bending things that aren't meant to bend...so long as I am a safe distance away. I hate being outside in it.

Hurricanes are one of those things I think you call "an experience", without any other adjectives.

I like rain...Not so much it forces me to build and Ark and gather the animals of course...But nothing like the sound of rain on the roof when laying in bed, or better still rain in the forest on a still day...The way it strikes the leaves, the forming puddles...Like a symphony.

Yes, like a symphony. We also enjoy rain around here, in moderation.


Nice snap!

A sweet photo.

It is one of my favorites from this past year.

Yep, thanks. We didn't much here. Just a bit of wind and rain.

Oh,that's good! Is it gone yet?

Yes, it blew through over night. I imagine it is a tropical storm harrassing the NE by now.

Stay safe. It sounds like you will be.

We are eating ice cream by candlelight :)

That doesn't sound like a good sign...

Is your power back on?

Yes, thank goodness. Although I'm pretty proud of how efficient we were without it.

Scores of power trucks were waiting in my town to head to the wreckage in the panhandle. Really impressive to see.

They were the heroes here. I saw a video on twitter from a power company a 5 hour drive away saying, "Ottawa, you were there for us during our ice storm. We're coming to repay the favor - hold tight." The people on the day shift stayed late when the tornados hit and had probably been going 24 hours when that message arrived. They all did an incredible job.

Yep, they are the heroes more so than the EMS in these circumstances. A few days without power and a sweaty power pole working starts looking very Prince Charming to me :)

Our hurricanes are called cyclones down our way and it is very much the same psychological build up on the TV with relentless warnings when we lived in cyclone territory. Mostly it was a fizzer where we lived, thank goodness but it sure is an eerie atmosphere waiting for cyclones to hit. Glad to here that all is well and safe where you are @ginnyannette.

There is so much media hype. I have mixed feelings on it. It is good to get the point across that it is dangerous, but it's hyped up when it's nothing too, so hard to take the news seriously. Thank God for the internet.

Thankfully all is well on this coast.

So far my island have been hurricane free this year!! What am I supposed to do with all the canned food I bought?! 😅

Hope you and your fam are safe!

It should keep until 2021 or so, right? Maybe you will get lucky and be forced to throw it away then. :)

Thanks, wind knocked out the power and within an hour it is back! Oh such happiness comes from that buzzing sound of returning electricity.

Lucky woman! I still get blackouts from time to time here... I spent the entire morning without electricity today!

Oh man. I imagine you have been getting very creative in functioning without it. I'd spot you some of mine if I could.

Be safe. I know you will.



Thank you. I definitely respect it :)

howdy ginnyannette! I thought of you as soon as I heard about Michael but I didn't know which if any, coast you were on. Wow, I've been watching the news. Really bad up there in the panhandle.
But I'm so glad you guys are invisible!

Thanks for the thoughts. We were lucky to not be in the path again. That eastern eyewall - man is it nasty, those poor beaches.

howdy again ginnyannette! yes they some of those beaches were just gone! So I guess they'll have to haul sand in from somewhere? The devastation is terrible. You guys just got alot of rain?

Yeah they "renourish" the beaches with sand. It takes a long time. We just got a lot of rain this time, which we needed, so not too bad.

howdy again ginnyannette and thank you for getting back to me, I know you got the kids and everything to take care of so I sincerely appreciate your explanations. But where do you get beach sand to replenish the beach, I guess a sand mine or sand pit inland somewhere? Unless there's some sand dunes that they can take it from. I know Oklahoma has an area of sand dunes! lol.

Yes, a truckload at a time is gonna take forever.

I actually have no idea. It seems like I've heard someone say it's taken out of the ocean, but I'm not sure about that.

love that the animals sense a storm. Even the ants. I love your description of the seasons too. I will we had those seasons. Id live with the odd category 5 threat for those seasons

I've heard from some northerners it takes about five years to acclimmate to the change in temperature. And if you don't get hit by a bad hurricane in the meantime, you might just become a smooth sailing Floridian :)

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