A day in the life... goats, stubborn mules, scorpions and extra strong coffee.

in #life5 years ago


Hey y’all 😊

are we over those #mugshots yet? No? Ok good...

It’s been a pretty busy week for me and in keeping up with the mission to share more, I thought I would give a quick update (in photos) to my adventures lately.

This week I am house sitting for my neighbor, which also involves taking care of their very cheeky animals. These animals seem to be able to escape any fence, have no manners and somehow are hilariously cute as well.


How can you stay mad at that face??



These stinkers rolled around in the mud they made after they turned over their water trough.. but they look so happy though.


Stubborn mules didn’t seem to understand why I wanted them to move from their very comfy spot... 🤔


And were thoroughly annoyed with me when I finally got them to move.

The Scorpion event

Yes.. scorpions.. in my whole lifetime living in California I have never seen a scorpion. But of course the first morning after a night of house sitting that all changed. (so dramatic) While making the bed I felt a horrid pain on the bottom of my foot and jumped around like a crazy person. I assumed I had stepped on a bee or something but my lord it flipping hurt 😆.

After jumping around holding my foot for a bit and assessing the damage (my foot was still there thankfully). I went to go see what the hell had attacked me and saw this little @*%#@#.


I mean what the serious hell? I hadn’t even had coffee yet!

I may or may not have taken the photo to be able to identify the creature if needed, as for the life of me I couldn’t remember if scorpions were deadly or not 🤷🏻‍♀️ #alwaysbeprepared.

Anyways foot is fine, scorpion is dead, I am not.. it all worked out. But think this confirms my thoughts that I wouldn’t last a day in Australia (see I told you @Galenkp).

Oh and then I made cookies!!


And all was right in the world again.

How was your week?

Much Love and Steem on,



lovely place you live at. :)
The people caged in the cities are missing on the real life you got going on over there.

Thank you 🙏 and I totally agree, I need space to roam and fresh air. I’ll take a few stubborn mules over a crowded city any day.

For sure!
City is too loud, many nonsense in your head.
you get to be with the real existence. <3 :)

Awwwwww man! I'm having some serious, serious, serious goat envy! We're totally forested up so I think when they escape instantly we might be in trouble.

Also cookies > scorpions!

Ah, you'd be fine in Australia... we barely have any scorps! I don't think I've ever seen one, so you can just foot around whereevs... you'll be beaut.

Hahah the goats are so cute.. even though they are making more work for me. They just look at me with those big eyes and I melt 😂

Oh yeah right, y’all don’t even notice the scorpions due to the giant snakes and killer kangaroos that populate the place. I would die 😜

Girl... you and that mug! I love your mug shots, you smirks... but I especially love the goats.

Are you popular yet.

Lol! I really need to quit with the mug, but it’s so fun though!

The goats are adorable, I don’t blame you.

I’m not sure.. how does one judge such a thing? 🤔 I’ve only been flagged a few times.. so that’s a good sign I guess!

Thanks 😜

Hey @justineh stop being so selfish and throw down a post. Been waiting 4 days now mate...Not good enough J! Get on it! 😉

Sorry, just my way of saying hi! Maybe I'm one of those steem dicks you mentioned in a recent comment to a post someone wrote. Hmm, nah I think not. I'm too adorable for that. 🤗

Anyway, start posting. Aaand...Go! 😘

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Hahahah! Sorry.. rough days on the farm.. we lost an alpaca.. stud horse got hung up in a barbed wire fence and so I’ve been doctoring him while taking care of the now orphaned baby alpaca 😕

All is better now, just been an exhausting few days. I’ll try to post something clever today ... maybe something about now I’m an offended feminist or something... which is weird as I love being barefoot in the kitchen. 😄

Thanks for the comment, made me smile ❤️

Oh sorry to hear that. Tough times. Poor little alpaca. I got caught on a barbed wire fence once when I was out hunting. It's funny now, wasn't then. I'll tell the story someday maybe. Hope everything is sorting itself out with the horse.

No pressure to post, it was just my way of saying hi really. Besides, you're best off being in the kitchen baking something it seems, judging by your comment. Cookies!

Well, I'm off to get ready for work...A few meetings today. Not keen, but have no choice. Have a good one.

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The relevance is growing exponentially with each mugshot, it's so provocative and what the steem craves. Without guy holding mug I don't think I'd have made it without the captain of obvious and his cheerleading campaigns. And I don't mean on steem, I'm talking my life!

Now we have mug holding gal and all is right In the world. The cookies triumphantly were taken from the oven to the chagrin of scorpions everywhere ! The universe cheers for the queen of steem and her shots del mug and of cheeky animals that share in her gentle and refined abilities to troll through the mundane temporal things in this realm.

This made me laugh out loud repeatedly now... so I should cool it with the mug shots then? 😂

Awesome I'd much rather make someone laugh than cry or wanna punch me or remove me from airdrops. I think I hit at least two of the above notches today with ease.. Sigh, I try to be decent..

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Busy busy week...

Looks like it was a small scorpion. You have to see the ones we have in Mexico.... Once I have a similar episode with one of the varieties that lives on Veracruz... My arm felt like fire...

I'll be waiting for next entry. Greetings from Mexico.

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expected. making cookies for hubby

😂 You’ll have to specify which “Steem hubby” you are referring to.. I get them all confused 😜

Paging @papa-pepper looks like you have some competition in the wild life department! and competition for scorpion pictures!

Justine, really does live on an animal farm. And, a scorpion? Wow!

So, glad it ended up ok! 😂

Give me that awesome steem t-shirt :p

Nice shot with the mug. Am laughing as I read your post. Then, oh, hoping you are okey.

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