Warning! This Blog Contains Actual Content!

in #life6 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again on a shitty, rainy day.

I know I said I wouldn't be around.

There's nothing else for me to do though!

So I present to you:

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Contentinator.jpeg
The Contentinator

Don't Worry Though

I won't ruin this post the same way I ruined the last post.

You would not believe how many what the hell was I thinking moments I've experienced since I've been producing this strange blog of mine.

On average, I'd guess at least three times per week, I'll sit here, scratching my head, not because I'm itchy, but because I'm confused and 'scratching my head' is an idiom that isn't meant to be taken literally.

I'm thinking I'm starting to understand why I have nearly 3600 organically grown followers, and 44 votes on my last post.

It's not because the art sucked. It's not because 3500+ people don't like me. It's because: I straight up, out of nowhere, for no reason at all, put the thought of two people with their heads shoved up one another's asses inside the minds of those who were reading.

Oh Crap

I did it again, didn't I? Whatever. Live and learn.

I honestly don't know what the hell to do anymore, but I will at least blame myself when things don't go as planned.

I enjoy writing comedy, I enjoy the darker side and when I'm writing fiction I tend to lean more towards dark humor and horror, chaos, mature subject matter in general. I love producing art and I'm proud to say more than 99% of the images on my entire blog were produced by me, from scratch. The blog is mainly centered around entertainment which under normal circumstances is a huge draw, and yes, on a normal day, my posts were getting a lot of views when we had an actual view counter and I typically receive enough comments on my work to say engagement here is well above average.

I run a tight ship.

Producing original, timeless content was and still is encouraged here. It's no different than anywhere else though. If I was a Youtuber, my content there would be a reflection of my messed up mind as well. I wouldn't be following the herd or chasing the easy money, I'd just be doing my own thing, not worrying about the others, not complaining about how hard it is because I'm one of those types who knows what they're getting themselves into. Blogging, vlogging, social media; none of this stuff was meant to be easy, so I don't expect it to be simple. I want it to be hard, and I know taking shortcuts will only lead me over a cliff.

The Age Old Question

What brings value to the platform?

Is proving the place works exceptionally well valuable enough for you folks?

Not everyone is cut out for this. People failing and quitting is not a sign of a dysfunctional platform. Anyone here can go to Facebook, Youtube, anywhere, and see far more dead accounts than here. There are millions upon millions of failures in this industry. That's just how it is.

There are people on Facebook with five followers after five years of delivering status messages. There are people on Youtube who have worked their butts off for five years and have yet to see a dime for their efforts. I earned something like eighteen cents within my first month here and I called that progress! Not failure!

Now I'm sitting here, nearing 22000 SP. All earned. Still doing my thing. The only change I made since I started was: I got better. I improved. The drive to climb up this impossible mountain still exists, regardless of what new obstacle pops up.

There's one thing that pisses me off though. That is, the thousands of successful people here who are ignored and shunned, hidden from view, when people go to the trending page to say the place is failing. That mentality does not bring value to this place yet there it is on the front page, towering over the truth. That message is absolutely worthless.

I am not a failure. I see a bright future here. So goddamn bright that it blinds people to the point where they're yelling, "I can't see!" So they go whine about it.

Stinc This, Stinc That

It's all their fault, right?

Well you know what role they play in my everyday life here as this crazy blogger who just so happens to be one of the thousands of successful acts here? Nothing! They sit behind their computers making their decisions, I sit behind mine making my decisions. We are not crossing paths. They screw up, I screw up; whatever! We're all moving forward, if we so choose to look in that direction.

And when I look back, I see accomplishments, because that's all there is.

That's all.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Now I think I really need those days off."

Images © 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.


Awesomeness. All the way through it, I love it when you take a break and yet, kind of don't! Keep doing you!

I really need to get away though. The only break I took was not spending hours after a post talking to everyone. This weekend for sure though, I need to put it down for a bit. I have a job, too, and a life; like everyone else.

I understand completely, I've been dancing around the edge of burn out for the last couple of weeks.

Did you just assume I have a job and a life?!! I would say triggered, but I'm kind of flattered ;)

Yeah, I really should be more careful with my wording around here. And to be honest, that part about a life; yeah, I just say that because I'm alive.

Hahaha yeah I feel it. Thats about where Im at also 😉🙃 (do we really need to feed these these bodies of ours EVERY day. God damn what bad design haha)

Coffee and cigarettes work too, you know.

Its an interesting piece of art and i really like it, one of the best i have seen from you so far, from my perspective i guess.

WWhaa-aa-t the fuck is this? Actual content in your blog? Talking about the platform and shit? What did you do with Nonameslefttouse and how did you get his keys!?

I like it, we all screw up but we just have to keep going, go go go!

There's a lot of negativity floating around. It's always been like that. I like to rally the troops from time to time.

Yeah, many people miss out on so much of the potential here. Not sure if they plan on this social demo to continue running once the SMT's come out or not. But while they have it running, everyone has a chance to earn something if they put their heart into it.

I see people in certain corners of the world able to suddenly feed themselves, their neighbors too. Beneficial large stakeholders who are generous to families in need, helping them feed their families and get diapers and such.

Then the talent like yourself, the content that is not allowed elsewhere due to its not fitting the corporate/governmental agenda.

Hope you are getting some you time in.

not allowed elsewhere due to its not fitting the corporate/governmental agenda.

Combine that thought with the arts/entertainment industry and the information age, realize the potential, see the billions of dollars. This blockchain reaches far beyond the small world of crypto enthusiasts, once it's embraced.

You definitely have a nitch in the market. You fill a void for something that not many would do but many wish they had the balls to do. keep blogging and many of us will be eating it up. Lol

Content warning acknowledged........... redirecting Spam your way....... here it comes:

People are afraid to work hard. People are afraid of taking chances.

If Steemit ever gets screwed over it won't be because of quitters. It'll be because people don't give a shit. Not caring for the consequence of abuse that we deal out to the platform by playing the rules .....

Something new going on here with the art style. I like it a lot.

Not everyone is cut out for this. People failing and quitting is not a sign of a dysfunctional platform.

Good and important point. I know you're talking more about your experience as a content creator rather than the platform itself, but I'd like to rant on a tangent for a minute. There was someone in #general chat the other day waffling on about how user-unfriendly Steem is, and why that means it will fail.

In a way, he was right about some things; it's rough here. There are problems in the community caused by the software; there are problems in the software caused by the community. Add that to the fact that cryptography is a completely alien concept to most people and it has a bit of a learning curve. No matter how many times you tell a random person off the street what a private key is, they'll give you the blank stare... and jeezus, they really need to fix account creation somehow.

But he was wrong about what's failing. Steem is not failing because he is too lazy or impatient to learn how to use it. That's not how failure works. Where he has failed, others have succeeded. Others like you, like me, like this whole community who have somehow figured it out even though the place is still under heavy construction.

Eventually, it will get easier, and then the "normal folks" will be here. I think it will take some time though. In the meantime, everyone who puts serious work in is accumulating stake... and they're doing so at a rate that we'll someday consider absurd.

Sure, I'm talking about my experience, but I'm also seeing quite a few of the same folks around who were here way back when I started. Our approach is unique to each individual but we all have that similar drive to want to succeed.

It's rough here, sure. Some television remotes had fifty buttons. Some people use every button, others fear majority of the buttons and stick to: power, menu, channel, volume. All of those other buttons make everything confusing and appear difficult, but really, if one takes the time to learn how they function, operating the television becomes a whole lot easier.

Look how difficult Kerbal Space Program is. Nearly every key on the keyboard does something. Some refuse to learn, and rather than blaming themselves, they blame the game. We don't have that same problem here, just some of the same people.

Making it difficult means only the strong survive and honestly, that's a good thing. Learning isn't hard anyway. You can teach a dog to sit.

Your analogies there really resonated with me. The TV remote control and the fear of "complicated" buttons; KSP and blaming the game. Brilliant.

I will probably quote you on those things from time to time when chatting to new Steemians, discouraged folk, and even naysaying outsiders. Better than anything I've ever come up with.

Maybe it's because I really understand what you mean about KSP. From experience. That game is bullshit really difficult to master at times and I finally ragequit decided to take a step back and pursue other, more fulfilling uses of my time.

Where is the view counter? Did a Kraken flag it?

It's been gone for awhile. I miss it, because of the art. What is art without eyes?

"The Contentinator" makes me think of a psychedelic rabbit demon and I'm not just saying that because I see psychedelic rabbit demons everywhere I look.

It might be a psychedelic robotic rabbit demon. Do you ever see those?

Only every time I close my eyes.

is The Contentinator smiling or frowning?
well, stinc made the platform, so can't really blame them but would be good to see them throwing thought to retention of users. the curation initiatives of steemit are doing a pretty good job, but they could do with some more support though...

I'm one of the folks who's been hit the hardest by the current set of problems. As for retention: I've been told many times, what I produce here is one of the reasons why some individuals come to the site. So, based on what some say, I'm doing my part to address retention issues. I wouldn't blame Youtube if the content producers there weren't to my liking. Curation is dying but lets also blame those who boost their advertisements to the trending page, asking for delegation, which in turn takes the power away from the users. 1000's of members are concentrated into one paid vote. That was their choice, their mistake, and now they all suffer for it. Have a look at how my rewards over recent times are trickling down to nothing. The people did that to me, not Steemit. Yet I'm still here, working like a dog, tired as fuck, because I want to be here. Those who left didn't want to be here, and that was also their decision.

Oh! And to answer your question: It's a stone cold stare. No emotion.

Are you still not really here?

I honestly don't know what the hell I'm doing. I tried to get away. It's really hard for me. I want to take a break but I don't think I even know how to do that anymore.

Not good. Not good at all. Maybe you should take a long walk every time you get the urge to make art and post.

You can see butterflies and flowers and smile, and have drinks in pubs and talk to real people in 3D when en route, or not, as you see fit.

Now eff off and relax before you burn. Can't have that.

I do these things from time to time. It rained all day today. Where I'm living now, I can hop on my dirtbike and travel back roads and trails to a lake 45 minutes away, which was the plan, but not when it's raining. Maybe this weekend.

Not when it's raining? That's just silly. You're obviously not of Dutch descent; that's your problem right there.

Nice though to have a lake nearby, always a good place to sit and relax. Alternatively, you could read a book, do some woodcarving, or clean the house. The possibilities are endless.

I once carved a penis out of driftwood and left it in the sand, sticking straight up, where a lot people usually walk.

Sounds like a great hobby. You could do it again, keeps you on the streets and off Steemit.

You're still here. I can sense it.

I could be a wooden dildo salesman. That is genius!

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