A few changes to the way I publish

in #life6 years ago


So, I'm back. Kind of.

Four days ago I posted a really short article explaining that I've been feeling kinda bad for a few days and I decided to take a break and relax for a little bit. The problem was fairly simple - my heart was skipping a beat from time to time.

Now, from what I know, that's fairly normal, and a lot of healthy people get that without any particular reason. The problem was that I had that thing for a few days. I still have it now.

I went to my doctor and told him about the problem, and he gave me some pills telling me it's probably just stress and too much work, and Saturday I also went to the hospital for some extra information and I discovered that there's nothing wrong with my heart (they also took some blood to check a few more things), and the palpitations (I think that's what they're called) probably appeared because of all kind of reasons, like stress, work, being too tired, heat, etc.

So, now I'm fairly okay. I'm still experiencing some palpitations from time to time, but with the pills I received from the hospital, it's a lot better than how it was a few days ago, so that's good.

However, I want to make sure I'm gonna be okay in the near future, and that I won't experience this again, or at least not very soon, so I'm gonna make a few changes to the way I work, and I'm gonna start with Steemit.

I started publishing twice a day a long time ago because of two main reasons - first, I wanted to create as much content as I could, and being capable of writing all kind of things fairly fast, I was capable of publishing twice a day without too much effort and second, because I'm not someone who receives a lot of rewards for my work, I thought that publishing twice a day and receiving maybe $0.60 - $0.80 is a lot better than publishing once and receiving half of that.

But, to be honest, as good as you may be at writing and as easy and it may be for you to create content, you will, at some point, get tired, even if you don't notice it. You'll start to get stressed, you'll start to put too much effort into what you do and in time, your health may deteriorate because of that.

Plus, if you're like me and you always care a lot about what you do, getting upset when you kinda fail and forcing yourself to do more and more until you reach the level of quality you desire, well, there's no surprise if you get tired and stressed from doing something as simple as writing short articles every day.

So, the way I'm gonna solve this is by doing something I didn't really want to do, but I have to - I'm gonna stop publishing twice a day and I'm gonna focus on publishing only once.

This way I'm gonna be able to relax a little bit more and to experience less stress when it comes to writing. I'm not saying I'm never gonna publish two articles in a day, I'm just saying that the minimum won't be two any more, but one. Maybe at some point I'll start publishing twice a day again, one article and one recommendation, but that I'll decide in the future.

I'm gonna make a few more changes to other things as well, not related to Steemit, but that remains to be seen. What I know is that I want to spend more time doing other things, like working in Blender, because I really like doing that right now, and avoid stress as much as possible.

That's pretty much all I wanted to say, to give you a short update about how I'm gonna do things from now on. Thanks for being here, and I'll see you tomorrow :)


Hello @raikuhen, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it! :)

I had similar problem back when I was on university. I realized this was mostly caused by my emotional situation. At that time I had lot of fear, was quite hard on myself and I have built lot of expectations and wanted to meet all of them. I had to calm down, take more sleep and stop worrying too much. After that it improved quite quickly.

I hope you will get better soon, heck even if you publish 3-4 articles in a week I think that's totally enough. Good luck and thanks for sharing the struggles!

It's reassuring to hear that someone had the same problem in the past and it was nothing serious.

Since I went to the hospital and got the pills they recommended, my heart stopped skipping beats, not completely, and it still happens once or twice a day, but it's a lot better.

I'm glad I'm able to work again. As much as I enjoy relaxing and playing games, I still find a lot more enjoyment when creating things.

I have to say it tho, publishing only once a day instead of twice gives me a lot of free time to do whatever I want with it, and I can now read and consume more content to be able to create better things, so getting a little "sick" wasn't so bad after all.

Thank you for your kind words and for reassuring me that there's nothing wrong with a heart skipping beats from time to time :)

Good to have you back, and I think it's good to change up things every once in a while on how often to publish (and maybe slightly reduce those skipping hearth beats, sounds discomforting, yikes!)

Talking about health: I was just in a health center to be taken blood samples to find out what's wrong with my wrist. Well, I passed out while the nurse was starting to draw the blood – I wasn't even looking!
Waking up from passing out is really disorientating; it's like waking from a dream, but instead waking in a bed, you're sitting in a chair with two nurses around you – takes a while to catch up with things after falling unconscious in the middle of a day. From now on I'm always lying down when needles are stuck into me.

Anyway, I'm not expecting anything serious, but it'll rule out the worst possibilites (hopefully). It barely affects normal life, but it's slightly inconvenient as I can't do push-ups and handstand with palms facing the ground – that's where I'm speculating the wrist problem having started because that's the only position where I experience the pain with applied force. But it's been going on for over a year now, maybe even two, and I still can't do push-ups with it so it's slightly inconvenient. Fists will do well for them though, and parallettes would for handstanding, but I'd like to be able to do without also.

Well, the doctor suggested to try some gel for it (haven't even tried anything like that, maybe I should start acting bit sooner when something seems to be wrong, oh well, better late than never).

Glad to hear you didn't get hurt when you fell from passing out, it never happened to me before, but I heard of people who got injured after passing out and falling.

I know how frustrating it is to want to workout or do something and not be able to because of a physical problem. I used to have some problems with my right shoulder when I was younger, but luckily I didn't need to see a doctor, and the problem just kinda disappeared, even though it can still hurt if I work with it for hours without taking any break.

The human body is fairly fragile, and there's not much we can do about it except trying to take care of it and cure it whenever something bad happens.

Hope you'll be able to completely fix your wrist problem :)

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