@naturalmedicine challenge : supporting mental health

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)

Hey ya'll, Kelly here.


It's interesting that I popped onto Steemit today, after a day of turmoil, indecision, and stress around what I am doing next, a common occurrence in my nomadic lifestyle. I have been feeling pretty bad about myself, and feeling like I am not living to my full potential, and abusing my privilege to be able to travel like I do. I think it has been so long since I have lived in one place and had a regular routine, that making plans feels daunting.

(photo credit: Kym Slade)

I feel like I am always making plans for where my physical body will be. @mountainjewel can even personally attest to this, as we were going to possibly meet up for a biking trip this august, and my inability to commit made it hard to plan (of course there were so many other factors, but still). In all of this, I am looking at my good (and bad) rituals for dealing with my mental health, anxiety, as it related to natural medicine, of which is pretty much my biggest obsession, to the point that it is the reason I am even traveling in the first place.

Its a funny thing though, right? To be traveling in search of plants, to be in their company, and yet feel these immense days of anxiety, turmoil, and tension. I know it is all in my head, my own created thought loops. Someone told me today that I see the world 'half empty' more than 'half full' at times and it really clouds my perspective of the actual moment. Here I am, in one of the most beautiful places on earth, the Colombia river gorge, in central oregon, and I have placed myself in a hot mess of indecision, yet again. In the past two years, I have found myself here, several times. To the point of constant anxiety that I can't eat. Every decision feels so big on the road, and I often find myself being 'flaky' but not because I actually want to screw anyone over, but because I am overwhelmed, and take too much time to 'decide' what I am doing.

So, what do I do to deal with this?

A lot of things, and really I should probably be doing more. The biggest thing is to repeat positive affirmations to myself that I am not a 'bad person' for being indecisive and 'abusing my privilege.' To be easy on myself. Even if I switch back to the negative affirmations, I try to bring myself slowly back to the positive, even if I don't believe it in the moment.

I grew up in an abusive household, and in a way, travel is an escape from abuse, and for me to wake up in the morning in a forest of Douglas Fir, or a grove of Cottonwood, or Sagebrush desert, I feel at home. I feel like these spaces welcome me, calmly. But, I still carry with me the negative affirmations of my childhood, of alcoholism in my family, of dark shadows that seemed to lurk around every corner.

(Deerbrush, Ceanothus )

Sometimes, I make tea. Any tea. I carry a collection of tea bags, for every purpose, as well as a collection of dried herbs stored and labeled in individual bags to make blends. I normally store in glass, but because of needing to think of lightness, I have shifted to the almighty ziplock.

(Making Elder and Oregon Grape medicine this morning)

Sometimes I can't get my hands on the 'ideal herbs' I need for my mental heath, which would be Devil's Club, Tulsi, Lemon Balm, Rose. So honestly, any tea I make for myself, that has been steeped at least 15 minutes, feels nourishing. The little things feel so much bigger when things feel hard.

My camper has become a lifesaver, lately. It is my safe space. Keeping it clean, tidy, Fung Sui, organized, simple, helps me mentally. It helps me feel in control of something. Being an Aquarius, actually with two signs in Aquarius, my whole being seems oriented towards the 'bigger picture' sometimes at the detriment of my individual 'self.' Here I am, doing a podcast on the road, going hundreds of miles out of my way to interview people, and spending my money on gas and food, and my body getting achey- for 'the cause.' I'm not making money on all of this, I feel like the situation of our world is dire, and this is what I can do to leverage my privilege.

The act of making medicine. Even small amounts. Today, I harvested Oregon Grape root, and Elderberry, when I was feeling anxious. It helped me to ground into the earth I am actually on, and where the land is reflecting the season. I still felt anxious afterwards, but it is something that felt beautiful, meaningful, and grounding to me, even if just incremental.

I was stuck earlier, between going back to my friends' cabin and making a fire for myself and reading my candlelight, or going to a cidery in town to sit with myself and write. Of course, alcohol, is an interesting medicine, to be used with caution. Alcohol clouds our judgement, but can also make us relax, and not take things so darn seriously. Even a half of a glass of locally brewed hard cider from local orchards has me seeing from a different lens. Now I will go back to the cabin, and still make the fire, still brew tea. I still don't know what I am doing, but I feel less hard on myself. It WILL be okay. I have my health, my love for the earth, and for my friends, and for humanity, I have my whole body. I have friends dying from cancer, or paralyzed from the waist down. I have to constantly remind myself to be grateful.

IMG_1097.JPG (woodstove in my friends' cabin)

SO, my remedies? Well, it seems like what I am saying here: drink any tea. Make medicine, or at least engage the land. Tidy space. Drink a little cider. ALSO: I write. I try to move my body, though I'm bad with this- I know it's good for me but sometimes I don't do it when I need it.

(Photo credit: Ted Packard)



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A beautiful response for the Thoughts for Steem challenge. Upvoted, resteemed and bookmarked for curation.

wow, part of this felt like reading about myself...! I am in a long long period of being stuck between choices, not seeing the way out at the moment. Not knowing what to do. Which way to go. when I am almost decided I doubt again.
I am considering settling down.. oh yeh! But i am scared shit about it too! I have been roaming for so long and honestly, I don't enjoy it so much anymore, and I see myself, in the most gorgeous places, like you describe, not being breath taken by it, because.. Maybe I need to be somewhere else.. I don't know. Part of me know that I can still go travelling, even if I settle down, we will still have our bus, but I also know that I will be so much more stuck. Well..
The thing that holds me back sometimes is the same that keeps me balanced. I usually tell myself that the road will show, and it will feel right, and then I'll know it. That helps me to be happy in the moment, appreciate where I am. But it also keeps me from taking a decision.

And then again.. What luxury problem, eh....?

i am also afraid of being 'stuck.' I'm trying to craft for myself a reality where I have a homebase, and also the option to travel for periods, and my travels be centered around my 'work.' That's partly why I started the podcast, and also because I want to share the people I've met on the road. It would be cool to take it international one day.. For now, I'm losing some of the seasonal jobs I used to be able to rely on, and staying put is cheaper, and less stressful. That bug for adventure is hard to tame though.

I did a blog series called "homes on The Road" too, interviewing people who live in mobile homes whom I met on the road. It feels nice to share different and inspiring ways to live.
I guess since I became a mother I feel more like settling, and at the same time it's also enjoyable going around with a little one who sees the world with such fresh eyes. So I guess my dream too is mixing it up.. If we end up settling in Denmark, there is not much reason to stick around in winter anyway!

Will you share that blog ? I’m interested in reading! Also, is that you following me on Patreon? :)

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Yes it is, a little stalker here ;D I just really like what you are doing! And sorry, don't have funds to contribute on patreon, but instead you are on my autovote list on steemit! :)
Yes, I haven't been properly on the road for a couple of months now, so it's a while since my last interview, but this is the last one I made (which also has links to some of the previous ones) https://steemit.com/homesontheroad/@frejafri/homes-on-the-road-8-joscha-sindy-fin-and-little-new-soul

aw! I appreciate your interest in my work.. and thank you so much for the autovote. I just need to post more! thanks for sending me the link to your project.. i'll check it out. :)

That bug for adventure sure is a hard one to tame! I feel so much resonance and understanding with your journey.. tho I am on the other side of it now. Having finally gotten “unstuck” for even a week I feel my mental health is better tho I remember the anxiety of not knowing my next steps and simultaneously wanting to ground. Your words help me realize it’s an ever shifting see-saw of experience juxtaposing the bug of adventure/desire for home and to create something of longevity. I hope we can cross paths sooner rather than later and you’re welcome to spend a spell at our homestead. Thanks so much for contributing to our @naturalmedicine mental health challenge! 😊

I keep trying to get on the other side of it and somehow it keeps pushing on, the pattern I’ve been in for awhile now. I was hoping to spend the winter in my old Cobb house in Asheville and it looks like that might not happen now. Need a cozy space with internet and wood stove to work on podcast/ground shots, and do some internal processing of this past year. I keep y’all in mind..

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I’m about to set off on my own traveling journey with no real plans due to my inability to commit. My working destination, coincidentally, is Oregon- although recently I made the decision that it won’t be my final one nor is there a final one in sight. Maybe it’s coincidence I happened upon your post but I support you in your journey and will be following it from now on. Cheers :)

where are you headed from and how long you think you'll be in Oregon? It's pretty sweet there and so dynamic.. a little of everything. California is quite the land, too... So much to see in the west. Good luck on your trip.

I'm leaving from Vermont and will be there for an unknown amount of time. I want to continue traveling but I also have work there so I guess I'm trying to make it there on my budget and then stay there for a little and work towards another leg of the trip. I've spent a good amount of time in Oregon and California before- I used to snowboard competitively so it brought me to a lot of places out west. I'm a huge fan of Oregon. California too, just not always, haha.

there's definitely different cultures there... i keep getting swept back to california, and while I like so much of the wild lands... some of the culture is weird for me. some of it is amazing. I'm from the south, so i can be TOTALLY different. competitive snowboarding! cool! i downhill/backcountry/cross country ski and my partner snowboards and has since it literally began ... so he loves tahoe... given that i prefer the culture of nordic skiing (i worked at a family owned place in new hampshire for years!) I am just more into the rustic Scandinavian thing... its interesting to be on the western slopes and on lifts.

I'm from Estonia originally(born there, don't remember it at all)- but the point is I totally get the whole rustic Scandinavian thing. That was kind of my whole family's thing.. I was always just kind of the weirdo of the family haha. Tahoe was the first place I tried to live out of high school! I say tried to because I couldn't find a good place/job so I spent a few months sleeping at a friends before heading back east.

I'm certainly not going to Oregon for the culture- I've got a lot of friends there but as a whole I've heard it's a little ritzy and odd. I'm more interested in the geography. In terms of culture, I'm much more excited about the places I stumble upon on my way out there haha!

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