Admitting a mistake I made.

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

I made a mistake earlier. I posted something I should have researched more first. And I apologize.

And it wasn't even necessarily the message itself that was wrong. The message was pretty spot on in my opinion, however it was partly coming from a source which I found out after posting is seriously compromised.

In the end.. I think it's important to make a distinction between a person and the words they say.
It's my belief that words mean something regardless of the character who says them.

Words stand on their own.

If I say that dropping a rock will result in it falling to the surface below it, and Hitler said the same thing.. We would both be right despite how much you might not want to listen to anything Hitler said because of how corrupt and evil he was.

So.. Evil and corrupt people can definitely say true things, in fact.. This is one of the ways they blend in with people so well in the first place because they are so expert at pretending to be good and lying that they can say some really compelling things many will believe.

I liken it to the poison pill theory. The cleverest and most successful frauds will coat the majority of their message, maybe even 99% of it with truth.. And then slip in one devastating lie. And that's all it takes.

You can ruin people with 99% truth and 1% lie.. The poison pill, it kills.

So.. While I perhaps should have just kept it up and it could have been all true and the allegations against the person all wrong, I decided to delete it.

I just felt it was unhelpful in the long run and I don't wanna create unecessary drama right now.

I stand by the general message, and I don't make mistakes like these that often, yet.. I feel like it's good to own up to it when I do.

I made a mistake. I posted some stuff without looking into it deeper. I'm sorry. I'll continue to try to do better in the future! <3



Mistakes happen. But, you have contained it and pulled off misinformation. So, I would say all good.

Word. I appreciate the feedback. And lol in regards to the meme, I'm not sure if you can still find it or not? I edited it, but maybe there's a way to see what was originally there? I'm not sure. Either way.. I shared it from someone who has a MUCH bigger audience who has almost 100 thousand followers on YouTube, so if a big name like that can make the mistake and still not have pulled it off their channel, then I think I'll be alright with a much smaller audience and having taking it down before most if not everyone even saw it. Either way.. It happens! Every one and a while I share something without looking into it deeper, and it's a good reminder to always be on guard against that laziness! And to try to look into things more rather than just quickly pressing the "send" or "post" button.

I'm not sure if you can still find it or not? I edited it, but maybe there's a way to see what was originally there?

Every action is recorded on the blockchain, but depending on the UI, it may or may not be visible to the average user.

If someone really wants to know, they will know.

I see. Thanks for the info! I don't think anyone will care much as I'm not defending the person and have already distanced myself from it all and corrected the mistake. But.. That's life! Sometimes we make mistakes. Hopefully we learn from them and do our best not to repeat them in the future!

I have no idea what post you are talking about (and I don't need to know), but I respect your integrity.

Thanks for the support wholeself-in!
I imagine no one would have even noticed if I didn't say anything cause I caught it so quick, however.. I still think it's important to own up to mistakes. I meet so many who can never admit to being wrong about anything ever that.. I don't wanna be like that! I wanna be as upfront and transparent and honest as I can be. I think that's important. :)

P.S. I got your note about the tiebreaker round. Took some photos today!

Mistakes are lessons that we learn in life. I think it is only a mistake if you didn't learn from something and you repeat it again. Scientists discover things by accident/mistake, great journeys are made because of mistakes, and we can definitely become stronger and wiser people by learning from our mistakes.

I am probably guilty of not doing enough research and doing the background checks on the sources of information as well :p Good to know that you are aware and thinking about it all the time :)

Indeed! I agree and think learning from mistakes is really important,I try to keep that mindset and I apply it to most of my challenges in life with a lot of success.. Though.. Not all. There's at least one area that doesn't work.. But.. I do think trying to look at the reality of the situation as impartial as possible is important! Hey.. Can you jump on discord real quick? I just sent you a message on there that is time sensitive.

No idea what the original post was, I guess if I was really wanting to know I could just check the edits on the chain!

But more importantly, it is a noble trait to admit fault and take steps to retract or fix the mistake. That is more important to me!

Well said bengy! I agree. I think it's important.I coulda just glossed over it and no one would have probably noticed, but.. Instead I took responsibility. And.. I think that's a good habit, even for the small things. ESPECIALLY for the small things. Cause if you do it for the small things, you should definitely do it for the big ones as well. Hopefully anyways!

You Nazi bastard, said me just, who really cares? chill out bro.

I care. I think it's important to own up to your mistakes and not just brush them under the rug. Especially when I share a lot of information, I want people to realize that I'm making an effort to be fair and do the right thing and this isn't all just about "ego" and trying to look good and be right all the time, I think it's important to admit when you are wrong, it's one of the most important things.. I think if more people would admit they were wrong the world would be a much better place, I can't tell you how many people I've met who can NEVER ever for the life of them admit to being wrong about anything EVER.. So.. It may not seem like much to you, but I think it's important to admit wrong, even when it's not a "big deal". If you're honest even when it's the "small things" hopefully you'll be honest when its the "big things" as well.

There is a worrying trend of people putting everything online, from jerry ban sucking himself off, to a whole host of other vile things, sometimes it is best to simply say nothing, admit defeat to oneself, not the whole world, just my view, just a parents view, as he watches the world bury their heads in phones, watching people not even bother to talk to each other in the real world, as they are so wrapped up in the internet, watching people video things on phones instead of watch them with their eyes, not everything needs saying online, and sometimes online is not even the place to be.

amigo @apolymask lo felicito de corazón, eso se llama humildad. somos humildes cuando reconocemos nuestras limitaciones y dijo algo importante "simplemente sentí que no fue útil" cuando sentimos que algo que hicimos no está bien eso se llama conciencia, quiere decir que su conciencia funciona bien y si sigue obedeciendo le, será muy beneficioso para usted. Un gran y sincero saludo para usted.

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