
Here is the thing about social media promotion that no one is going to tell you except me:

It does no good to have a presence on a platform if you don't enjoy and want to create content for that platform.

That's the simple truth. Now, wanting to create content for that platform implies different scales of interaction. Content for Twitter is trivial; create a post anywhere, including Steemit, and link to it. That's all that's really expected along with checking the site every few days and replying to people who want to have conversations with you there. That's why it's so popular. Low friction, low effort, easy to fit into your schedule.

Facebook? Well, you'll want to create and maintain a Facebook Page, and Facebook content is expected to be a little bit longer than the usual Tweet, so just dropping a link and running is not enough you need to have actual content for the Facebook community. Unless you really enjoy engaging with Facebook on an everyday basis, it's probably not going to pay off for you because it's just not what you want to do.

Instagram is a good fit for you. Most Instagram content is a single image or a few images, maybe a short video, and a tiny little bit of commentary on a given post. It's difficult to get traction because there's so much competing content and it's very difficult to find a community, but it's one of the best places for visual artists. Just don't get caught up in the "race to the best numbers/hiring bots" thing, because that can eat you alive.

The rest of the new wave of social media platforms? Don't bother. There's not enough network effect on any of them to be worth spending your time on instead of creating. You are not just a random person putting your ideas out there for people to see; you are putting your ideas out there for people to buy, and there's no point in putting an advertisement out on a street corner that nobody walks or drives by. It's just not worth your time.

There are going to be a dozen people who walk by and tell you to get involved in some tiny cryptocurrency social media network bullshit, and all of them will be extremely enthusiastic and effusive – but they're all peddling the same thing. Don't waste your time. Go to where the audience is, go to where the communities are, and show them what you have.

Unless you just have a spare time and the spare interest in poking at such things.

Stick to the crowds. Find your community of like-minded people with similar interests. Tell them what you do.

And most importantly, find a way, a place, and a style that you enjoy doing – because otherwise you just won't.

Well said and good advice! I appreciate the insight into your experience with the different communities and content types. Finding a level of consistency, style & enjoyment that works for me is important. I suppose I’ll just have to get started and find that balance as I go!

Just as photographers really should take to heart that the best camera for their work is the one they want to keep with them in the one they want to use, the best social media is the one you want to keep with in the one you want to use.

The real challenge is paying attention to how you interact with social media platforms and really judging which ones you enjoy. Not everybody is comfortable saying, "I really just don't enjoy doing this even though a lot of other people do," and following through and acting like it.

Some things you know you don't enjoy; don't do that. Try some other things and see what you enjoy. Everything else can take a hike.

From what I understand Patreon is a good combination with YouTube, plus there is the new YouTube options that people can pay to follow exclusive content, but you need to be an established YouTuber for that in my opinion. Instgarm is the place for art in my opinion, so maybe you should invest more there.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Instagram is the biggest pond I'm going to have to start splashing around in, and its visual nature is a good fit. I guess I just better start posting!

I don't have a Facebook account. I mainly use Twitter and YouTube, although, like you, I would prefer to spend less time on those and more time creating.

I've been using BitTube's browser extension and following its progress. They are very close to unveiling its own social platform that will be an all-in-one platform. I think it has great potential as it will reward content creators and readers/viewers based on the time spent consuming the content (AirTime). Currently, I'm rewarded by the browser extension simply by browsing the internet. Once BitTube unveils their social network, I'll be using that as my main platform.


Hmm, interesting! I just installed the BitTube extension in my Brave browser... so I guess maybe I'll have double the ad blocking protection and be double stacking some crypto?!? We'll see how it goes! Thanks for the tip!

You're welcome!

The bonus is that you can register your website with the extension and you'll automatically get AirTime when someone (who doesn't have the extension) visits your site. Just click on the Links button on your extension menu (see above image) to register.

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I would say drop the DeviantArt and go with something more current like Medium, which maybe not even that current, is fairly used. If you are going to be into cryptocurreny, jump in, don't be stifled by a Bitcoin maximalists type of one coin to rule them all view. Take a look at some other crypto social things

I love how you mentioned a site I had never heard of, Narrative, I'm signing up to that in another tab right now. I would highly suggest throwing a bong in one of your characters hands and share it on Follow the artist @joechiappetta who has one of his web comic books on Amazon and I see sharing stuff on all sorts of new crypto social networks. Your comic book art would be a fresh art type in all these places. Sell original artwork on OpenBazaar, but don't just sell what you have, create a new piece that is crypto based! Share on reddit when appropriate, Reddit is like the third most used website in the US or something. I mod over on r/GoldenAgeComics r/Silveragecomics r/BronzeAgeComics r/CopperAgeComics r/ClassicComicStrips, if you ever draw characters or anything from these eras or styles feel free to share them in those places at least.

I have not watched the YouTube video you did yet but I subscribed and will also say if you get into video media on any regular basis, sign up for LBRY and make sure to share your videos on that platform as well. YouTube itself rules though, one Steemian who hasn't posted in forever here @catapanoart I still see and sometimes watch videos of on YouTube all the time .

There is sooo many great active communities that I notice do not seem to jump around to other networks, lots of people losing out by limiting the amount of websites they visit. Last thought, Twitter, god I love it and hate it, but it is probably the best business card for anyone because almost everyone has an account, we all love it more than Facebook, and just keep in mind no one will follow an account if the last tweet is from over a year ago.

Edit: Save up your money and hire me and my cats to do your social media :p

Thanks for the extensive listing and advice, it's much appreciated! Narrative caught my eye a while ago since it seemed very similar to the articulated vision of how communities on Steem might work. I've been signed up for a while but haven't checked it out since they actually launched their content platform. I know @jrej even bought a couple niches over there. And yes, I will save up some money... hiring a bunch of cats seems like a winning business strategy, I'm in!

Hmmmmmm, let me think.
Well, for this I have no advice, since I practically did not use them, as I usually did and had followers but I stopped using them when I fell in love with Steem ehehheh.
But as you say, if an artist wants to promote what he does or sell, he has to fall into the hands of those social networks.
in my case, I do not know when I will drop in them, I have to do it, but I have not tried because my enemy "the internet" does not let me do it either.
I have some but I have virtually nothing, just some drawings and I have shared with other artists lately, but I think that for a person to get benefits in what they do in social networks will take a lot of time and dedication to them.
content for each one and not repeat the same everywhere.
and practically dedicate to social networks many hours and if you have the internet of Venezuela, well that is impossible heheehehe.
Postscript: my internet did not let me comment on this, I was writing the comment and my internet went until yesterday heheheheh

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