in #spirit6 years ago (edited)

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The powerful forces of soul are often inconvenient, they know no calendar, time or season and will pull us into deep inner oceans of dark, dark water where illusions are washed away. The soul has no regard for jobs, families, goals and personal agenda's... it has only one purpose: to bring us to the truth of ourselves.


I believe we are on the threshold of a New Era, a time in which humanity will rise in consciousness and self understanding, a time in which we will see an end of war, an end to poverty, an end of ignorance, an end of dominions and empires, an end to fears that have driven us from the very beginning, an end of ignorance. There are two keys that will open the door to this New Era, they are a rise in consciousness and an understanding of the origin and power of beliefs.

It takes a great deal of courage for one to investigate his or her own beliefs, to determine their veracity or falseness. I commend you if you are one for whom the truth of things is more important than living in the bliss of ignorance. Let's begin right there: why is it so difficult to change one's beliefs?

It's more than just cognitive dissonance that makes us resistant to adopting new beliefs, especially if they contradict beliefs we consider to be absolutely true. Basically cognitive dissonance is a brain freeze. The mind goes into a state of near-refusal to believe something that goes contrary to ones established beliefs. A person becomes quite uncomfortable, even resistant, when confronted with two contradictory beliefs or sets of information. This is why it is nearly impossible for you or I to confront another person with new information that might disrupt their lives, and see them actually "change their minds". Conversely, you and I are probably extremely resistant to changing our minds ourselves!

We find one of the keys to our resistance to change in the phrase, "...change their minds." When one changes a belief one actually does change ones mind. How so? We know (or believe) that everything is energy. Even words and thoughts. Even dreams and visions and revelations. It's all energy. And all these leave a literal physical imprint on the mind. A recording of sorts. Beliefs are not just ideas, something separate from us, they become part of us. And most of us have an extreme resistance to changing who we are. Why? because unconsciously we consider it a threat. Yes? It seems so easy, but it is this simplicity that has eluded us. Why? Simply because this challenges established cultural beliefs. It's new, and unfamiliar, and no one in authority told us to believe it. Crazy, yes?

Here is another reason we experience cognitive dissonance: Let's say I belong to a particular political party or religion (the key phrase being: I belong to). That party or those people who share my beliefs become my tribe, my friends, my social network and in a very real way, my life. One of our fundamental survival instincts is to belong to a tribe, community, clan or nation. For most of history, to belong, meant security, protection, family, happiness. To be cast out, excommunicated, expelled, or rejected meant, quite literally, death. Even today, even here on Steemit one of our fundamental behaviors is to find community, we seek those like ourselves. It is a primary survival instinct. Indeed, have we not been told that to make it here on Steemit one must be in a community? Back to my example...I belong to a particular political party, that has become my tribe. If another person comes along and threatens my beliefs regarding my politics it becomes a direct attack on my ability to survive. It represents an attack on my tribe. My old survival instinct kicks in and I go to war. I will defend my beliefs because they are tribal beliefs and to threaten my tribe is to threaten my life. Do you see? Do you understand why when ones religion or political party is threatened that person will fight back?

But there is another dimension to this tribal connection. I have never been an avid team sports fan. It just wasn't important to me. About 10 years ago I decided to do an experiment. I wanted to see what the big deal was about being a sports fan, and frankly it seemed like I was missing something. There were so many of my friends who were die hard fans so I decided I would try it out. I became a gung-ho fan of the San Francisco 49ers. I bought the jersey's, hats and tickets. I learned about team members and coaches. I followed them online and watched videos and interviews. I read editorials and listened to broadcasts. I was INTO IT BABY. And I got really, really upset when they lost games or made stupid decisions. I felt great when they won and I felt miserable when they lost. I had quite literally become a 49er! I had infused myself with their energy. Now, this is not just a exercise of thought or mental attachment. No, I resonated and vibrated with the energy of the 49ers. It's who I was!

So if you or anyone else were to come and challenge my beliefs about the 9ers you would be threatening ME. Easy right? You would not just be threatening my tribe, you'd be threatening ME. So if I challenge a persons religious or political, or academic beliefs I am directly challenging who they are. Yes?


Interesting Note: My experiment with the 49ers was a success. It actually was quite fun. Here are a couple of things I learned: #1. My contribution of my minuscule energy to the 49ers team was insignificant. Oh, sure I added to the rest of the fans but still it was negligible. #2. I got it that I had absolutely no control over the team, the coaches, the game, the officials, anything. In other words I was a victim when they lost (because I had no control and I felt miserable), and I had no control when they won. But it was nice to feel good. #3. I was able to experience first hand the phenomenon of being a fan, being part of a tribe and adopting their energy as my own. I have to tell you it was enlivening and fun for the most part. #4. Sorry guys and gals who are fans of sports teams, but for me I came to the conclusion that being a fan wasn't worth it. I did not like being subject to something I had no control over. So I bailed out. But, this is the funny part I still say, "GO NINERS!" Isn't that nuts?

Now back to beliefs.


I grew up across the street from a cow pasture. Out in the meadow where the cows lived they had made paths in the turf that led from one part of the meadow to another where there was water. The path was about a foot deep and maybe a foot wide and the cows, traveled this path in procession each day. The more they walked it the broader and deeper the path became, And (this is a big "AND") the easier it became for the cows to walk it. They could probably do it in their sleep I imagine. What does this have to do with beliefs? Neurologists have discovered that the more we think of something, or say a word, or do a computation, or speak a foreign language the easier it becomes. Our brains actually develop neuron paths that become bigger and stronger and easier for energy to move along. We build Cow Paths in our minds. In other words, when I said my first swear word at the tender age of 8, and got such a good response from my older friends, it became easier to swear the more I did it because the neuron pathways were becoming not just cow paths but freeways in my mind. By the time I was 13 I was a champion curser and had a heck of a time stopping. In fact I didn't. It is still quite easy for me to blurt out some good curse words. So to is it with our beliefs. The more we exercise our beliefs through thought or voice or pen, the stronger they get, and the less likely it becomes that they will change.

Alright enough for today. Tomorrow we discuss Energy Banks as regards beliefs. This is a critically important subject that is essential to understanding human behavior. Y'all come on back now.




LOL. This is crazy. I just posted a short article. What a coincidence. Get out of my brain my friend!

Hey! good to see you. I was afraid I made a dumb ass remark the other day (and I did) and offended you. I'll definitely go see what you have written. Oh, and when you read this post I was not done. I had blundered with the post key. Finished now. Hope you have the chance to read the finished product.

LOL. Don't worry my friend. I know you are a good guy, so even if you post something I might find questionable, I probably take it as a miscommunication and not as an intentional offense. You would not do that.

I did not like being subject to something I had no control over.

That line is one way to "change" a belief system. Is it better to have no control, or to take a little control back to yourself. Tribe and tribal influence is one thing, but when it becomes a one way path, then self survival needs to kick in, and we see that we need to change.

Indeed. We have deeply engrained programing to follow authority, wether religious or political. I was able to break away from both.

Many refuse to see the programming, and like you pointed out, trying to tell them is a lot like talking to a wall.

Love the analogy of cow paths. I always think of water wearing stones. A few splashes here and there make no difference. But a constant river totally transforms the stone. However.. the cow path is more hopeful. If we DECIDE to tread a new path, the old one will become covered again with grass and be a memory but not the truth. Xx a good cuppa read @mistermercury 😍

Yes, but where does the river flow? Perhaps in astrological speak you are strong water? Some people have ringing in the ears I have mooing! Blessings.

Mooing is far better than ringing!!!!

The water cuts a course too, indeed. I was thinking it wrong. Not just the stones but the earth.

I have a new cow path!!!

Love it!

@smylie2005 when you read this post I had not yet finished. I blundered with the post key and messed things up. Come on back and read the rest of the story if you get a chance. Blessings.

Haha! I thought it to be a little short for you but the picture was bad ass and was enough for me! ;)
Ill go back and read now!

Wow! Glad you called me back to read this. Its really quite the post, very true and fits right in with whats going on in the world today. Its funny how much people put into their beliefs, myself included. Ive learned in the past couple of years, what I believe does not matter one bit to someone who believes the opposite. They do not care how I feel about the president, if my feelings are different than theirs. On the other side, if we feel the same way, we could be best friends. I have also found that quite a few of my friends DONT feel the same as me. It took a bit to realize, because how in the hell can this person I have grown to trust and respect think that way, that our friendship means more to me than who the current president is. Hell its going to change in hopefully 4 years! ;) And to each their own. Basically, you cant force someone to think as you do and pushing your point on someone is only going to make the defy that point. Just be peaceful, be happy and for god sake, be respectful. Thanks for sharing this, great post as always!

Depends what the truth is ;)

Greetings. When you read my post I was not yet finished. I had blundered with the post key and messed things up. All done now. Hope you get a chance to re-read it. Yes, and how do we know the truth? Thats for tomorrow. Blessings.

Hs i thought it was wierdly short! Afternoon cuppa read methinks.

Nah, just my bumbling self.

hi @mistermercury :D....in my reading of your post, it seems that you illustrate the issue of the false extended self, with its focus on over-responsibility.

The extended self, the sense of 'external identity' which is caught up in the 'outer' (the tribe, the 49ers, beliefs), and which results in an ebb and flow of intense (and exhausting- I've been there as an avid fan of the Indian cricket team :) emotional ups and downs. An insult given there is also seen as a personal slight here, I become it. It is completely beyond any possibility of the individual's control or influence (apart from adding to numbers as you say, and the Matrix energy of cognitive dissonance I guess! - I too still check scores occasionally, but I am otherwise 'over it' :).

This sense of a (fake) larger identity seems to have a close relationship with 'over responsibility' - ie. wanting to control the external and what one cannot (the reactions of others, the situation/circumstances, the match outcome, life-plans blah blah). Endless energy spent in futile attempts to resist/control/define reality, a powerful driving sense of 'responsibility' to be this or that (express outrage, allegiance, instructions, be a shit-to-self or others etc)... all of which neatly and comprehensively distracts from the only true responsibility - which is for oneself; to be keenly aware of one's own thoughts, words and actions. We have great influence and control over this inner realm should we choose to take on responsibility for self and nothing more.

I guess it's the game of life and how it is set up. We engage with the false, we live it, believe it, experience it. I am mixed race and had a right old tryst with 'identity' and subsequent feelings of 'rejection' - perhaps the 'alienated' end of the spectrum where one feels intensely alone in crowds and no sense of belonging anywhere! And at the opposite end is non-dual connection - fullness (even) in solitude; self drawn in to realistic levels which can reflect the (true) non-dual intelligence that flows through life. Here is another 'larger' identity, but on the inside this time, aligned and consistent (identical?) with one's true (and discoverable-by-self) identity. It feels good and there is no emotional rollercoaster ride.

This IMO, is consistent with the dynamics of consciousness-raising currently taking place - (re-)empowerment; taking back the power we have given away willy-nilly and unconsciously in exchange for cheap trinkets. Expansion of consciousness through having been immersed in the 'not', which then more fully reveals what 'is', in a way that would otherwise not have been possible without this 'illusion'.


Holy cow! You think! That's rather amazing all by itself. Perhaps at this moment in human evolution there will be a movement toward self-responsibility, the first step being knowledge of ones own thoughts...mindfulness. But knowing humans this will get twisted around to please someones agenda.

My question is: the masses...do they have the will, desire, grit that it take to be self-responsible? All the clamor for libertarianism and anarchy requires a responsible public. Is this even possible? Convince me if you can.

Thanks for the broad response. You made me think, which in itself is a wonderful thing.

Many blessings.

LOL, wonderful, and thanks :D

Your question: I've no idea! Doesn't much look like it on the surface as the energies often resemble the same non-neutral ones of separation and division that keep the cycles going. Politics is divisive, as is grouping (us vs them) - there is inherent violence in taking political positions it seems, especially if there is identification.

However (and here lies my optimism), appearances are deceptive - extremely so IMO. There is also the 100th monkey/tipping point factor, which is a hidden one until it erupts. I also very much recognise myself in the 'masses' to a greater or lesser degree (even if it be mainly in retrospect :).

A readiness to act (to wake up) may be present, but it awaits a catalyst - an example, a demonstration, an illustration, a circumstance, a trigger. The matrix-encrusted mind is confused and scared, and thus outwardly only shows conformity (hiding the readiness for change whilst outwardly clinging in fear to shreds of 'stability'). Suppressed 'real' selves everywhere wanting to express themselves but dunno how to, suffocating beneath mountains of gloss and wanting out. There doesn't seem to be happiness or contentment in this state. There is likely to be a constant background heaviness and discontentment (readiness for change), even if it be unconscious and unacknowledged.

I think the raising of consciousness (awareness, knowledge, access) heading in the direction of unity (ie the breaking of the old paradigms of separation, scarcity etc) is underway, and is traceable through the expansion of awareness/ideas/experiences throughout history - movements, beliefs in the different types of revolutions, technology, printing press, internet etc. You @mistermercury, certainly see what you see in this regard when you speak of this process of humanity 'waking up' in your posts. I can also see it at play in a view of my own life and evolving awareness. The collective consciousness of humanity is expanding by constantly being added to, and this is irreversible. One cannot 'unlearn' what one has learnt through experience.

Fundamentally too, an existence of suffering and violence is not natural - instinctively all living creatures move away from pain (even self-harming humans do so to escape mental/emotional pain). Collectively, it seems as if humanity has played with separation and explored the various experiences of identity with form - almost to exhaustion? Something else is now becoming available in quantities and volumes never before seen (this is also obviously my subjective experience of myself that I project outwards, but I do see it expressed by many, you too :). There is infinite intelligence of universal energy (or whatever label one gives the Singularity) flowing at multi-levels of being, this energy is fundamentally benign and it is fundamentally concerned with expansion of consciousness.

Mindfulness is an excellent starting point (perhaps the most important one?). Any serious foray into understanding the self will be met with deception - spotting the deception is the act that renders it harmless, and the greatest deceptions are those of our own creation (internalising the false). No power in the universe can force our will unless we allow it (if we desire, we allow). Humans have given their power away - perhaps unwittingly delegated it away :D. But a simple (non)act of serious intention to live with integrity, and to discover wtf that means that can reclaim it in a snap.

And who knows what energy and power is unleashed as this process of self-responsibility ('will, desire, grit' external observations of what is now 'natural' and internal non-effort) takes place? And who knows how this may spread energetically, raising the frequency/energy levels of those who may be 'asleep' such that perspectives shift and a tsunami is born. And, as you have also said, energy is everything!

Where's the pulse then? Well, on the basis of the cosmic mirror : 'as above so below' and 'as inside, so outside', it must be the case that if we wish to measure how humanity is doing, a reading of this ought to be available in an investigation of one's own transition towards a sense of oneness and unity in life. The slogan: when we change, the world changes. After all, what else do we have control over that is not illusory control? :D

Such are my thoughts on the matter. Many thanks for requesting them into being :D.
🔆 🔆 🔆

The collective consciousness of humanity is expanding by constantly being added to...

Well @barge you have earned my full vote of .14 cents! You're rich!

You don't know it but I've been pondering this question for many days and was unable to find any hope. I should kick myself. I know this. This is the key. There is such a thing as the collective unconscious and it does add to the incremental, if slow, evolution of humanity. The other thing we can hope for is that those who do lead have a "come to Jesus" moment and realize they must and can change and move to a level of higher consciousness and in so doing offer a new way of life for others.

And, indeed, there are forces and patterns in the Cosmos that are constantly moving toward Light, and opposing forces moving toward Darkness. I must, like you said so well, be the change, and let the Intelligence that is within all things (in my opinion) do what It must.

Thank you so much for participating. Look forward to your future presence and comments.

Because we use the world "belief" wrong, your question is impossible to answer.

In this world, it is not "seeing is believing" like all the materialistic scientists and atheists demand that it is.

The world is, "believing is seeing".

There is so much we do not see. We do not believe it exists, so, we do not see it or interact with it.

So much this. Back before I mastered my cynicism, I began a long journey to discover not only who I was, but who God was. In looking over many religions, it became obvious to me that they all had their own stories of miracles. Even different cultures of the same religion seeing miracles others did not. While I came away no closer to a God who was aware and desired a personal relationship with me the way I understand it, I did come to have a healthy respect for different realities being influenced based on the expectations of the crowd.

Paranormal falls under the same rules I noticed. I mentioned not long ago in another comment here that I believe much of what we have been trained to think of as supernatural was in fact natural, only seeming super because of our ignorance on the matter.

Hey @practicalthought when you wrote your comment I had not yet completed the post. I made a blunder with the posting key and messed things up. done now. You may want to come back and reread. Blessings.

Thank you. Will go take a look now.

Edit: Yes, it definitely is a much deeper read. Thank you for your insights. It is refreshing to see others putting to words what the heart knows.

Dang! There you go again. Another cigar wrapper for the gentleman in the front! Glad you liked it.

Ah yes, you are correct of course. You are however on a level two or three of consciousness when you bring this up. If you are interested you can read about those levels herehttps://steemit.com/psychology/@mistermercury/a-growing-shift-in-consciousness . Also when you read this post I was not finished.. I blundered with the post key. Finished now.

Well drat, don't that beat all. Usually i reply years after the post was relevant.

What i do when making a post is to not type a title in the title space.
I type several into the top of the edit box, and choose one at the end of the editing process.
Thus, if i accidentally hit post, it will not post, and instead say missing title.

Don't tell me you made the mistake I did... at least once. But that's a good idea. And quite often, at least for me, by the time I'm done with a post the title no longer fits.

I still love to curse but now I only use cursing for special occassions...

Best not to tread well worn paths used by many, thieves and cutthroats are a waiting.

Ah yes... gave me a good chuckle. Where did you ever come up with this?

What “this” do you mean?

The vid with the gentleman swearing.

When I read your article and your cursing I thought about Deadwood and the lost art of swearing...hahaha

Al Swearengen, who is played by Ian McShane, now playing in American Gods a TV series, I painted Ian as Odin the character he plays in American Gods...Ian is so sexy playing those complicated bad boys! I love his wrinkly care worn face <3
I stopped cursing because I am around my grandkids (13, 9 years old), however I did teach them what the curse words mean and if I accidentally cursed, you know a mindless reaction I had to put 25 cents in our cursing jar. My Daughter (38 years old) stopped cursing as well. We filled up an 8 ounce jelly jar in less than a year...but we finally stopped!

the time I was 13 I was a champion curser and had a heck of a time stopping.

I am an expert of breaking old habits and I learned everything about soccer, (sports bore me) so I could converse intelligently with my husband and his crazy Dutch soccer friends...I still don't care for sports but I know who Lionel Messi (my husband's hero) is...I painted him too!

Is your dearly beloved Dutch? I was a mormon missionary in Holland for two years. It seems like another lifetime, but, indeed, it was me. So you are painting more than hot air chickens it seems.

Didn't the Mormon religion start in Holland, wait that was the Mennonites. The Mormon religion is American through and through...

I grew up with Mormons and much of my family on my father's side live in Idaho near Shoneshone. My husband is a full blooded Dutchman and soooo opinionated...one thing the Dutch have in huge supply besides potatoes, bread, and cheese...tons of opinions...

That's funny. And yes, they do love their Football! I served all over the country, from north to south, and a little in Belgium. As for Mormons...great people, great organization. Pile of BS for theology. I was one of the local hoodoodies too. That was my downfall: asked too many questions that needed more than faith to answer. But it was good for me and was necessary to launch me in another direction.

I did not like being subject to something I had no control over.

That line is one way to "change" a belief system. Is it better to have no control, or to take a little control back to yourself. Tribe and tribal influence is one thing, but when it becomes a one way path, then self survival needs to kick in, and we see that we need to change.

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