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RE: You Need Endurance If You Want Steem To Be The Chance Of Your Lifetime

in #steem6 years ago

Fantastic video man. And so much truth to it.

I've been here for 6 months (officially 6 months in a few days) and while my approach has been slow and gets frustrating if I'm being honest.

I hear lots of people against bots, but rarely upvote anyone outside of their circle and while that started to get to me...I had to remind myself...I am owed nothing!

My job as a member of this blockchain is to introduce people to it and provide valuable content every day. Sometimes I do, sometimes I suck LOL But I will show up every day no matter what.

What you said thought is what keeps me going...I might earn 1 STEEM today and it's worth what...$2.50 USD....But what will that be worth in a year from now, or two?

I'm holding for the long term in Steem Power for sure. Doing that, engaging and creating content everyday....Best formula I have found so far :)


I'm right there with you @jongolson ! I published 1600 words last week on my expierence with a psychopath and used some upvote bots to increase exposure. I'm testing not using them starting with my latest post, while interacting more and posting regularly. Hang in there and thanks for the encouragement @flauwy ! :)

For sure. By no means do I use bots to think I'm going to get a positive ROI ever...I use it for exposure alone. I consider it an advertising expense. Not the perfect option, but one that's there right now. But with all things, it tends to be abused :(

Regarding the circles in which people act and upvote: I am a member of TribeSteemUp and they have about 200 members. I have never checked out even half of them so far. It costs all so much time and even though I am basically 24/7 on Steemit I just cannot do much more than I already do. That means that you can only win through consistency and good content. If you get one person per post that actually appreciates what you do than that is worth more than a good upvote in the long run. All small Steemians will be the SP holders of tomorrow. Endurance is key here.

Oh completely agree. I know there is only so much to go around...But my thing is...That's why bots exist...Sure there are scummy post that make the trending but for me at least...I use it for exposure and to show to the blockchain I am here for the long run...My attempt to stick out from the noise per se...

Ok good...I'm not the only one 24/7 here too LOL Was worried I was the only one addicted lol

I have also used bots a lot and it has helped me in the past. At some point it got less and less interestinng to use them and now I have turned away from them. I still have SmartSteem selling off my 98% and above in eventual idle situations but that has not happen much every since I started to actively support a whole bunch of great content creators with my auto-upvotes.

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